Chapter 1239 Accident
Gu Youyou said: "This is my tool for drawing, but what's inside is not something for drawing, it's my medicine box."

King Jin understood and nodded at her.

Gu Youyou put on the special gloves, and said to King Jin: "Take it off, I'll show you right now."

Being so straightforward made Jin Wang very embarrassed.But it has already reached this point, and he will definitely not escape halfway.

Looking at Gu Youyou's appearance, it seems that he has done a good job of keeping secrets. Although Gu Youyou is a little annoying, but he does things that people can't talk about. Thinking of this, he feels a little relieved.

It's just that when taking off the pants, it was still very awkward, and it took a long time to take off the pants.

He couldn't tell himself, he didn't even dare to look.

On the contrary, Gu Youyou, a woman, seemed very calm.

Gu Youyou checked him carefully, and saw a kind of small scar.

She asked in surprise, "Have you been injured before?"

King Jin nodded with a blushing face, and said, "It's probably because of this injury that the infertility is caused. Doctor Cui saw it, and said it was...that it was because of a broken blood..."

Gu Youyou was extremely surprised, how could she be injured so coincidentally that she just cut off the vas deferens.This wound is similar to that of a man who is circumcised in modern medicine, so it's no wonder he survived.

King Jin continued: "I checked you before, and I heard that when I was in Qingshui Town, I once cured a patient who was born with problems in this area. It was a child adopted by Doctor Zhou, isn't it?"

Gu Youyou nodded while looking at it, and said: "Yuan Cheng's congenital baldness ~ the skin is too long is indeed cured by me."

Jin Wang naturally didn't understand the technical terms in Gu Youyou's mouth, but got a positive answer from her mouth, and the fire of hope was ignited in his heart again.

He said: "It is because I have heard about this incident that I dare to let you try it. Doctor Cui said that my problem cannot be cured, maybe you can."

Gu Youyou said: "Theoretically, it is cured well, but your wound has been around for too long, and everyone's situation is different, so it's hard to say."

After she finished speaking, she turned to the other side to look, and what surprised her even more was that the other side had the same wound, which was a coincidence, if one side was injured by accident, and the other side was also injured... then it couldn't be an accident , someone did it on purpose?
"How did you get hurt?" Gu Youyou asked in surprise.

Who would dare to ligate King Jin? Looking at the wound, it seems that it has been many years.

King Jin sighed and said, "I had an accident the year before last."

"Accident? What kind of accident?" In Gu Youyou's opinion, it was not an accident.

King Jin thought that Gu Youyou wanted to treat him, but he didn't think too much about it. He just said: "When I was 12 years old, I played in the Duke's Mansion and competed swords with a few cousins. Swords have no eyes, and everyone is young. This happened when I was young."

"Two swords were pierced by others? Both swords were pierced here?" Gu Youyou smiled ironically.

King Jin thought that Gu Youyou was laughing at him, but his poor self-esteem made his face darken quickly, he pulled off his clothes to cover his naked body and hummed: "You can cure it if you can, why bother making fun of me."

Gu Youyou was stunned, thinking that her smile just now could easily hurt the patient's fragile self-esteem, so she quickly apologized to King Jin, and said: "I didn't laugh at you just now, but I thought you... that accident was too coincidental Come on, tell me about the accident that happened when you were 12 years old, otherwise I can't treat you properly."

(End of this chapter)

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