Chapter 1248 Humiliation

With tears in his eyes, the king of Jin told what happened when he was 20 years old in the Duke's mansion, from the time they set up a trap to lure him to compete with others, making him sterile, and then to their step by step, forcing them to use the method of borrowing seeds unable to maintain its current position.

Step-by-step calculations, step-by-step chess moves seamlessly, in order to steal the candle to illuminate the country.

And their mother and son are just the two best pawns they use.

The queen remained silent for a long time after listening, she couldn't accept it for a while, the natal family she had always relied on actually had such thoughts.

I don't know how long it took before she said in a trance: "I just said, why did I come up with this method of borrowing, and I have to borrow the descendants of the Duke's mansion. Every time I hesitate, Mother Li will help Let’s talk and dispel the worries in my heart.”

It's a pity that she has been kept in the dark. Under the temptation of Nanny Li, she went to talk to Jin Shien about the borrowing, and she always felt that she had wronged her natal family.

She was so stupid that she helped to count the money when she was sold, so she was talking about a person like her, right?
The queen turned her head to look at King Jin in a daze, her sad and desperate eyes made the old woman exhausted.

Tears fell from the corners of her eyes. The feeling of being used and betrayed, especially by the relatives she had always trusted, almost crushed her last wisp of willpower.

She raised her hand tremblingly, gently stroked King Jin's equally exhausted face, and said in a trembling voice, "Son, I'm sorry for your mother!"

If it wasn't for her greed, if it wasn't for her poor vanity, how could she let her son suffer such humiliation?
The heirs of the royal family were in a difficult situation. If they hadn't committed a heinous crime and refused to admit their mistakes, they would not have been put to death for any crimes they committed, but would have been imprisoned in the clan's house for life.

Even if his son cannot be born, as long as he does not make mistakes, he is still the most honorable prince.It stands to reason that the emperor would decide to adopt a child for him from other brothers. At least, he would not have to suffer such humiliation, and he could live a life of glory and wealth, but her selfishness hurt him.

It made him beyond redemption.

In the final analysis, she was not all for herself, she was still a queen no matter who would succeed to the throne in the future, she would have her share in the position of queen mother.

Doesn't she just feel sorry for the family that has been supporting her behind her back?

She has glory and wealth, but she can't watch the people in her family be weakened little by little.

But she didn't expect that the person who caused them to be lost forever was the relative she had always cherished.

"Mother, I don't want to just let it go, I can't let their plan succeed!" After being sad, the deep hatred on King Jin's face was fully revealed, his eyes were bloodshot, and he gritted his teeth tightly, wishing he could not give up. Those who harmed him were cramp and skinned.

The queen showed a hesitant look, her complexion was pale, looking at such a son, she really didn't know what to say.

Only now did she realize that what she was relying on was nothing more than a duke's mansion.

Without the support of the Duke's Mansion, her status in Zhuzhao Kingdom would not even be comparable to that of Sheng Qiaoyue.

At the same time, there was a wave of fear in my heart.If Xiao Ran ascended the throne under such circumstances, it would not be a piece of meat that could be eaten at any time in the hands of the Duke's Mansion.When they get rid of dissidents, their mother and son will really become lonely, and they will be flattened and rounded by others.

She took a deep breath, combed her gray hair meticulously behind her head, but looked even more desolate.

(End of this chapter)

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