Chapter 1250 Looking for help

Yue Rujing blushed from being choked, but luckily he was used to it.

"That's it, I'll leave tomorrow."


Mr. Xie received a secret letter today and a jade pendant, which was a promise he gave Gu Youyou back then.

Originally thought that Gu Youyou would never need his help, this jade pendant would never be taken back, every time I thought of it, it came back with a secret letter.

Mr. Xie smiled wryly, and said to himself: "You have helped me so much to understand the family. You are the benefactors of the Xie family. Even if you don't have this jade pendant, as long as you give me an order, I will definitely help you with all your strength."

He opened the secret letter curiously, and after reading it, he was stunned.

In this letter, there is impressively written the love-hate entanglement between the Duke of Jin and the Duke's Mansion. Gu Youyou hoped that Mr. Xie could help the King of Jin and take this opportunity to uproot the Duke's Mansion.

Mr. Xie trembled, and then trembled again.

Half angry, half scared.

The Duke's Mansion is so bold to use this despicable method to steal the country.

What he didn't expect was that they had such a relationship with the Jin royal family 300 years ago.

What frightened him was that the First Prince cooperated with King Jin, and planned to use this opportunity to uproot the Duke's Mansion.

He just sighed, young man, it's too simple to think.

What the Duke's Mansion has done is not just stealing the country?One after another, if you want to find evidence, as long as the emperor is willing to really look for it, you can always find it.

But why didn't the emperor do that?

That's not because you can't move.

If the Duke's Mansion could move, the emperor would have moved already.

I hope that the eldest prince is more thoughtful than he imagined, not to mention uprooting the Duke's mansion, it is still possible to give a lesson of defeat.

Rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry. If you really want to move them, you have to do a lot of prevention and control work.

Master Xie immediately picked up his pen, planning to write a letter to his eldest son.

After thinking about it, it's almost New Year's Eve, he should have a month's vacation, he will be back soon, right?
Thinking of this, he put down his pen again, threw Gu Youyou's secret letter into the stove and burned it.

And Xie Zhongsen had already returned at this time. Hearing about Zhonglin, he purposely asked for leave in advance and returned to Xie Mansion. The first thing he did was not to see his father, but his younger brother who had been resurrected from the dead.

For Xie Zhonglin, he felt guilty.

He assigned him the most tiring and dangerous work time and time again, and even asked him to guard the city gate in order to humiliate him, in fact to force him back to the capital.

Father, old man, how can we do without anyone around?
But he didn't expect that he would endure all his deliberate difficulties and gain his fame in the army. This made him angry and anxious, so he gave him a strong drug and asked him to pretend to be a businessman. Xining spy on the military situation.

When he learned that he died tragically because of this, don't mention how guilty he was, so much so that he never dared to come back to see his father.


"Eldest young master is back."

"Hey, young master, wait a minute..."

The first thing Xie Zhongsen did after he came back was to rush into Xie Zhonglin's courtyard, and the maids and servants didn't answer his calls along the way.

He kicked the door open with a bang, only to see that Xie Zhonglin was really alive. He was lying on a special bed with his legs suspended high, and Miss Du was feeding him medicine with a medicine bowl.

"You... brother and sister?" Seeing such a scene, Xie Zhongsen felt that he was too impulsive and embarrassed.

He couldn't help laughing, and said: "Haha, good, it's good to be alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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