Chapter 1252 Lively
The people sitting across from them are King Qin and Xie Qinyun, Princess Qin is said to be unable to get out of bed, and the Palace of King Qin has already fallen into the hands of Xie Qinyun.

Gu Youyou vaguely heard that Xie Qinyun was murdered when she gave birth to twins, and the person who harmed her was Princess Qin.

However, the King of Qin didn't have any definite evidence, so he could only adopt the method of keeping his family scandal out of the public, and completely left that Princess Qin in the cold.

Qin Wangfei was already in poor health, and this anger was even worse. She dragged her sickly body for two years, and now she was really about to die.

So the one who can stand out is naturally Xie Qinyun.

"Hey, Yoyo, sit here, sit here!" Xie Qinyun was very happy to see Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou smiled lightly, and pulled the corner of Jin Zijin's clothes.

He lowered his voice and said: "You go, it will be very lively in a while, I'm afraid I can't take care of you, you should be careful."

Today's rule is not that men and women have different tables, but that men and women are divided according to their status.

They are royal relatives at this table. Since the old emperor's brothers and sisters are all dead, his generation's royal relatives are gone, so there are only Gu Youyou and his wife left at Gu Youyou's table. Xie Qinyun, and a princess and her son-in-law.

The harem is controlled by the queen, and the children of other concubines have no sense of existence. Once they threaten the queen, they will be killed by her.

The emperor had quite a few children, but few survived.

Regardless of whether they are alive or dead, the emperor reserved a ranking for them, so there are obviously only three living princesses, but when it comes to Jin Liuying, there are nine princesses.

Gu Youyou has only met this princess occasionally, and is not familiar with her, and the only one who can speak a few words is Xie Qinyun.

"Why did you come here? I'm so bored sitting here by myself."

It is rare that Xie Qinyun still maintains the purity of the past, speaks straightforwardly, and has clear grievances and grievances.Qin Wang also took a fancy to her character, so he looked at her differently.

"Who told you to come so early?" Gu Youyou smiled.

"Hey, it's not that my prince insisted on coming early, saying that he couldn't be slower than the emperor."

"The emperor didn't come to see you, he came to see the eldest son of Prince Jin."

"That's not true, alas! By the way, why did Qian Qing run away? Do you know about this?"

She paused for a moment, then lowered her voice and said, "You have the best relationship with her. Before she ran away, she must have told you, right?"

Gu Youyou shook her head and said, "No, I don't know about it."

"Tsk tsk, people say you helped her escape, don't you know? Who are we going to talk to, tell me, I won't betray you, what are you afraid of?"

Gu Youyou said helplessly: "I know you just want to gossip, but she really didn't come to me and tell me before she ran away."

"What's going on?" Xie Qinyun looked puzzled, and said, "What's going on with her? Really, she is the concubine, what are you afraid of? Even if the concubine gave birth to the eldest son, the son of the eldest son is still not allowed to obey her. Crawling out of the stomach, she is good, she just became a deserter, which is called defeat without a fight."

Gu Youyou pursed her lips and said, "If you want to know what's going on with her, just wait."


Gu Youyou looked at the high platform in front of her with a half-smile, and when she was done eating, or started toasting, she might have to talk about it.

Well, by the way, she has to hurry up and eat more, and after a while the big show starts, she won't be able to eat any more.

"Don't worry about it so much, eat something quickly. Ah, my favorite dish is here..."

(End of this chapter)

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