Chapter 1263 Caught back
He inquired about Mrs. Zuo in Prince Jin's mansion, and learned that she was not doing well, Prince Jin had no feelings for her, except for the child in her belly, she would not die.

It is not difficult for him to imagine that after King Jin achieves his goal, he will kill her sooner or later.

So he decided to take Mrs. Zuo and the child to escape together. Why should he leave his woman and his son to others?

That's why today's scene happened.

It was a coincidence that he caught up with this point. He still didn't know that today's full moon banquet was actually a Hongmeng banquet.

He thought, as long as he fled to the north, his uncles were all there, and he had a good relationship with his fifth uncle. It shouldn't be difficult to ask him to send them to the northernmost country.

As long as he stays away from the Zhuzhao Kingdom and the Emperor of Heaven is far away, he no longer has to pay attention to those absurd things.

But things in the world, how can they be as beautiful as imagined?

The sound of extremely fast horseshoes came from behind, and at the end of the wind and snow, there were countless figures on horseback chasing them.

Jin Wei was startled, and said to himself, "Why so fast?"

Right now, everyone should be seated. Who would go to the neglected Mrs. Zuo's yard?
"Ah, they're chasing you?" Mrs. Zuo's smile froze for a moment, and she grabbed Jin Wei's arm full of worry.

She said: "They won't let us go. Today's full moon banquet is to expose that our son is not of King Jin's blood."

"What?" Jin Wei was startled.

But before he could ask, the people behind had already caught up.

The hook on the rope flew out and hooked his sleigh cart. When several people pulled it hard, the cart fell apart.

Jin Wei held the child in one hand, and with the other around Madam Zuo's waist, jumped out of the carriage and fell into the snow.

Jin Zijin quickly surrounded them with a few people.

Jin Wei went out in plain clothes, and he brought only two or three people with him, and was soon captured by the guards.

Everything happened so fast, it was too fast to be real.

Just now they were chatting about the future in the carriage, but they didn't expect that they would be thrown into the cold wind and become prisoners next time.

With tears in the corners of Madam Zuo's eyes, she lamented: Fate did not favor her after all.

She looked at the man beside her, and finally showed a smile amidst her grief.

At least she was not alone when she left. At the end of her life, God gave her such a person to accompany Huangquan.

Jin Wei stood up from the snow with a look of surprise on his face.

"Elder Prince?"

Jin Zijin rode on the horse and said lightly, "Go back."

Jin Wei smiled wryly, does he still have a choice?
An hour later, Jin Wei and Mrs. Zuo were brought back to the full moon banquet with their child in their arms.

The king of Qin had told the emperor about Mrs. Zuo climbing and running away with the child, but everyone didn't think that the person who helped Mrs. Zuo climb and run away was actually Jin Wei.

What is this called, do you not call yourself?

Xie Huanzhi snorted at Duke Hu Guo: "What else do you have to say now, catch thieves and get dirty, catch traitors and get double. Don't you say again that the emperor arranged for them to abscond in fear of crime?"

Duke Hu was startled, seeing this scene finally made him speechless.

"Great-grandfather!" Jin Wei bowed to him.

The Duke Protector was stunned for a moment, and then immediately came back to his senses.

Suddenly he stood up and slapped Jin Wei on the face.

"You rebellious son, our family's face has been humiliated by you. It's not good what kind of woman you like, but it's the woman of your cousin Jinwang, and... you have made such a wicked thing, you let me like this Where do you put your old face?"

(End of this chapter)

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