Chapter 1265

Everyone held their breath and stared at her blankly.

Madam Zuo burst into tears, her eyes of despair and resentment swept across the crowd.

Traveling through the world, the heaven is unfair, the human condition is cold and warm, the world is hot and cold, intrigues and schemes shattered her last ounce of faith in living.

She still remembered that when her mother was about to die, she told her to let her live no matter what, no matter how hard the life was, she must be allowed to go on, and she was not allowed to have the idea of ​​hanging herself, because only people have hope when they are alive.

She promised her mother, but she couldn't do it.

She held Jin Wei tightly with one hand, and pulled out the dagger with the other hand.

Jin Wei snorted and finally died.

At the same time, the dagger with blood and Jin Wei's body temperature pierced Mrs. Zuo's heart again.

She lay on top of him, hugging their child, with a faint smile on her lips.

Perhaps it was because of pity for this woman that no one stopped her.

If she did not commit suicide, what awaited her in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice would be torture that would be worse than death.With such a thin body, how could she withstand the torture in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice?

It just made her death worse.

The corpses of two large and one small were quickly carried out of the door. Jin Wei and Mrs. Zuo held their hands extremely tightly, and the two guards took great effort to separate them.

I thought to myself: I am afraid that I will suffer retribution for doing such a thing. It is really unlucky to be on this job.

When they threw them in the snow outside, they kindly piled the bodies of Jin Wei and Mrs. Zuo together, with their children in the middle.

"It's so pitiful. Mr. Wei is also a character. I didn't expect to die so badly."

"If he died like this, he can't even enter the ancestral grave?"

"Of course I can't get in. It's good not to be flogged. I'm afraid it will be thrown directly into the mass grave."

Three people died all at once, and the other wives in Prince Jin's mansion naturally knew that the person who went to the cloud and rain with them these days was not His Royal Highness King Jin, but Mr. Wei who committed suicide just now.

They were terrified, timid, and insane.

Among them was a lady who was pregnant with Liujia and passed out on the spot.

The belly she is so proud of is full of evil species...

This bastard thing can be said to be unprecedented and shocked everyone.

The Lord Protector put all the blame on the dead Jin Wei, and said arrogantly: "The emperor wants to punish the old minister, but the old minister has nothing to say. The old minister is guilty of dishonoring the royal family. If you don’t manage your own junior well, please ask the emperor to punish you.”

Heh, he planned everything, he had the heart of stealing the country long ago, and finally became a crime of incompetent supervision?
Even now he is still talking nonsense and refuting, really vicious and ruthless.

The emperor snorted coldly, and angrily said: "Come here, take Duke Protector... into prison!"

The Duke Protector was still very confident, he raised his head high and raised his arms, allowing the guards to tie him up and put him in the prison.

Half of the country is in his hands, but he doesn't believe that the emperor really dares to touch him.

Facing the people who were kneeling all over the room, the emperor was so depressed that he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone was terrified and huddled together.

Eunuch Wan was so anxious that he opened his throat and shouted: "Come here, imperial physician, come imperial physician, the emperor is vomiting blood from anger."

Gu Youyou wanted to go, but Jin Zijin grabbed her arm.

"After such a big thing happened, how can he be worthy of the scene arranged by King Jin if he doesn't vomit blood out of anger?"

Gu Youyou was startled, and thought: Did the emperor do it on purpose?
(End of this chapter)

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