Chapter 1267 then kill him
Jin Zijin and Jin Wang naturally prepared many witnesses, but Jin Wei's sudden suicide disrupted everyone's position.

Even if he is not afraid of going to court tomorrow, but tomorrow, there will be too many uncertain factors.

Gu Youyou saw it more clearly than him, she said anxiously: "The old man is like an old hooligan, even if you have solid evidence, he won't admit it. And your father is worried about the stability of power and dare not Chaos, if you don't act again, maybe King Jin will be useless."

Jin Zijin was startled, and looked up at Gu Youyou: "What do you want to do?"

Gu Youyou snorted coldly: "To deal with the old hooligan, of course you have to use the hooligan's method. Think about it, what method do you have to use to make him confess?"

Jin Zijin smiled wryly, "If you kill him, you won't admit it. Once you confess this kind of thing, it will be the crime of exterminating your family."

"Then kill him." Gu Youyou showed a ruthless expression. "There is a saying that the tree falls and the monkeys scatter, as long as he dies..."

Jin Zijin was startled severely, his eyes narrowed slightly.

After a while, he got up suddenly, pressed towards Gu Youyou suddenly, hugged her, let go of the stirrups, then picked up his coat and walked out.

Gu Youyou was stunned for a moment, expressing that she couldn't figure out his series of moves.

She ran to the door and shouted loudly: "It's getting dark, and it's snowing so hard again, come back earlier..."


In the prison, Jin Shien was indeed confident.

With an iron chain in his hand, he sat in the haystack of the prison of the Ministry of punishment.

And all the jailers didn't dare to do anything to him.

The Duke Protector is in jail today, but the Duke's Mansion is still fine, maybe he will be out tomorrow, who can say for sure.

They don't usually see such a big man. What's more, they want to take advantage of this opportunity to please him, and maybe they can find a good job for themselves, which is better than working in this dark prison. The jailer is strong.

Is it just that a big man like Duke Protector can please such a small jailer?
The guards hesitated and pushed each other, and finally a skinny guard stood up, walked to the cell where the Duke Hu was held, and asked flatteringly, "Duke Hu, it's cold, I'm afraid it's hard to deal with it at night." , how about I give you a bed for the rest of my life?"

Jin Shien opened his eyes, glanced at the skinny jailer lightly, and hummed lightly.

The jailer was so happy that he nodded and bowed hurriedly to leave, and soon came over with a blue quilt.

The other jailers envied him and regretted him one by one, thinking to themselves why shouldn't they be bolder?These days, the bold are exhausted, and the timid are starved to death. If the Huguogong is out, remember the thin man, maybe the thin man will become prosperous.

Oops, what a pity.

The skinny man opened the cell door, spread the quilt for Jin Shien joyfully, and said, "This quilt is a small new collar. It hasn't been used yet. It's just a little poor, but it's very clean. Don't dislike it, Lord Protector." .”

"What's your name?" Jin Shien was quite satisfied with this sensible jailer's approach.

The thin man was extremely excited, and hurriedly said: "Duke Huihu, the younger one is called Li Si, surnamed Li, and the fourth eldest in the family."

"Well, Li Si." Jin Shien nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I will remember you."

"Hey, thank you, Lord Protector."

Li Si was elated, spread the quilt and left the cell, humming a little song all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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