It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1270 It's Time for the Queen

Chapter 1270 It's Time for the Queen
With the death of the Duke Protector and the ransacking of the Duke's House, the situation in the court today has become one-sided. No one speaks for the Duke's Mansion, and everyone discusses how he should be convicted of this crime. .

"According to the law, what the Duke's government committed was the crime of stealing the country, and the plan remains the same. This crime should be punished by the nine clans."

"No, the Duke's Mansion has been in the court for a hundred years, and its relationship with more than half of the court is intricate. If it is about punishing the nine clans, then more than half of everyone sitting here is in his nine clans.

The law is nothing more than human feelings, and this special situation should be handled specially.Your majesty, the ministers thought that the nine clans could be exempted, and it was enough to punish the three clans. "

Xie Huanzhi stood up, bowed his hands to the emperor, and said, "Your Majesty, it's approaching the end of the year, and I think that if we want to punish the country, we will shake the foundation of the country. In addition, we only experienced floods and wars last year, so it is not easy to go to war at this time. The government's intention to steal the country is just The affairs of the Duke's Mansion have nothing to do with others, if you want to punish, you only need to punish one family, and only in this way can you show the greatness of the emperor's grace."

"Well, what Xie Aiqing said is reasonable. It's really not easy to cause too many murders when the year is approaching. The case of the Duke's Mansion is of great importance. I should have personally supervised the conclusion of the case. However, I am old and feel powerless, so This matter will be left to the First Prince to handle with full power."

At this juncture, everyone naturally did not dare to have any objections, they were all frightened by the case of the Duke's Mansion, anyway, whatever the emperor said was right.

Three days later, the Duke's Mansion was wiped out, and more than 500 people were killed.

Jin Zijin's handling method is so simple and rude. Taking advantage of the heavy snow to seal the news, first eradicate everyone in the Duke's Mansion, so what if the news gets out?He has a crime in his hand, do you want to admit it, is he trying to openly rebel?
As for those minions of the Duke's Mansion, when the Duke's Mansion was still there, they naturally fawned on them desperately, colluded with them, and when they were wiped out, no one would be really loyal to others.Will someone still fail to avenge the Duke's Mansion?They only cared about themselves, and hurriedly cut off their ties with the Duke's Mansion, so as not to be implicated by them.

On King Jin's side, he was imprisoned in the clan's mansion because he took the initiative to admit his mistake, and his attitude of admitting his mistake was not bad.

His wives, those who were pregnant, left their sons and kept their mothers, and were imprisoned in the clan mansion for life.

Those who were not pregnant were sent back to their natal families.

After all, they are also victims.

But the face of the royal family is still needed. These women are not sure which ones are dirty, so they are all treated as cuckolded by King Jin. Even if King Jin is imprisoned in the clan's mansion, they are not qualified to stay by his side anymore.

And finally the Queen.

After all the dust settled, she suffered such a huge blow and couldn't afford to get sick.

Nanny Li was dealt with together with everyone in the Duke's Mansion, and there was no one around her. The huge Kunning Palace was no different from the Leng Palace.

"The Emperor is coming..."

The eunuch's voice stretched out and seemed a bit harsh, and the queen lying on the bed opened her eyes.

Soon the emperor came in, the queen glanced at him, closed her eyes again, and said: "The concubine is not feeling well, I'm afraid I won't be able to stand up and salute the emperor."

"I forgive you." The emperor said in a low voice.

He raised his hand, and Eunuch Wan retreated with the others wisely, and closed the door.

The queen sneered, and said: "Your majesty, are you impatient to see if the concubine is dead? The concubine remembers what I promised you, as long as you keep Xiao Ran, the concubine will commit suicide and apologize when something important happens. But the concubine... The concubine has no strength to want to die now, so I ask the emperor to give my concubine a glass of poisoned wine, but I will die."

(End of this chapter)

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