Chapter 1273: Go to Heaven

"Okay, be serious, don't talk about these things." She didn't take it seriously, but she still had the mind to care about other things?
This made him attack her even more bravely.

Gu Youyou is just used to talking about business with him in bed, and I'm afraid this problem can't be changed.

She frowned slightly in pain and said, "Then what should I say?"

Jin Zijin: "..."

"You can pant!"

After finishing speaking, he kissed the chattering red lips forcefully, stuffing all her words back into her stomach, and now she was only gasping for breath.

When I woke up the next day, it was almost noon.

Gu Youyou felt the emptiness beside her, and sat up suddenly.

She looked at the hourglass in the room, and covered her face with her hands sadly.

He has been gone for a long time, although the farewell is too sensational, she doesn't like it.

But she didn't like it even more when she woke up and found that he was no longer by her side.

After getting dressed, I saw Xiang Toon in the yard teaching Jin Xuyao ​​to walk.

He is just one year old and can already walk by himself, but Xiang Toon is always worried that he will fall, and when he walks, he never dares to stay three steps away from him, and the nervous look makes people feel angry and want to laugh.

Gu Youyou said calmly: "You don't need to protect him, it's so thick, it won't hurt even if you fall."

Xiang Toon curled her lips aggrieved, she was wronged for the little emperor's grandson.

She thinks that Gu Youyou is the most cruel mother in the world. After the little grandson climbed up, she would always throw him on the ground and let her crawl up by herself, while she watched with her legs crossed and licked melon seeds.

Now he can walk, but he is so young, she doesn't plan to give him a hand, and she doesn't let the maids give him a hand, just let him walk by himself, how distressed it would be if he fell.

Gu Youyou frowned helplessly, walked into the yard and said to Xiang Toon: "Don't you think he walked well? Don't worry, he's fine. Go to the kitchen and get me some food, I'm about to die of starvation."

Only then did Xiang Toon suddenly realize that Gu Youyou just woke up and didn't eat breakfast or lunch.

Right now we can only eat breakfast and lunch together.

"Okay, the servant will go now."

It's just that when he was leaving, he still looked at Jin Xuyao ​​a few more times at ease.

Jin Xuyao ​​likes to touch Gu Youyou's soft long hair. She squatted beside him, and he waddled over and threw himself into her arms, grabbing her long hair and rubbing it against his face.

He not only likes Gu Youyou's hair, he also likes anything that is plush.

Gu Youyou thought that if he was born in modern times, he would be like those little girls who like plush toys.

This made her a little worried. Will her son be a bitch when he grows up?
Parents are not mother-in-law, so it shouldn't happen.

Soon Gu Youyou's lunch arrived, followed by Abao.

Although Ah Bao is considered Gu Youyou's dog, Yue Rujing takes care of him the most.But Yue Rujing went to the south a few years ago, so Ah Bao could only live with Gu Youyou.

A Bao just came back after filling his stomach. After entering the yard, he rubbed against Gu Youyou's body awkwardly, and even used his ass to squeeze Jin Xuyao ​​who was also rubbing against Gu Youyou's body.

This made Gu Youyou dumbfounded.

A Bao probably felt that Jin Xuyao ​​was competing for favor with it.

But Jin Xuyao ​​didn't understand this, when he saw A Bao coming, he screamed happily, drooled, and then insisted on hugging the dog's thigh no matter how A Bao resisted.

Seeing this harmonious and warm scene, Gu Youyou finally got over the sadness of Jin Zijin leaving.


 The Beijing chapter is almost over, and there will be a relatively dull transition later on. Everyone bears with loneliness, and the climax later will be even more exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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