Chapter 1276 Going to Nanzhao

Everyone's fate is different. It is a great chance for her to be a princess for 30 years.

Maybe this is her fate.

"Thank the emperor for me," she said.


Jin Zijin traveled all the way to Lingnan, where spring has returned to the earth, and farmers are busy planting early spring grain.

He hurriedly went to see Lord Yuehou and asked him about Yue Rujing's situation.

"Ah Jing went to Nanzhao country earlier, and news came not long ago that a trace of a celestial master was found near Xi'er."

"Xi'er?" Jin Zijin said in a low voice, bowed his hands to Lord Yue, and said, "Thank you, that Zijin is going to Xi'er to join Ah Jing now."

"Hey! Don't be in a hurry for this moment. You have been driving for so many days. You should rest well for a night before leaving."

"No." Jin Zijin refused, "The sooner Master's matter is resolved, the better, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

"You!" Lord Yue Hou sighed, and said, "Now that the Duke's Mansion has fallen, and the Taoist School has been almost cleaned up by you, what else is there to worry about? You should also relax a bit and stop pushing yourself like this. "

Jin Zijin thanked Lord Yuehou solemnly, and said: "In these years, I have to thank Lord Hou for taking care of me. Your kindness to Zijin will never be forgotten by Zijin. However, Master's work is urgent, and Zijin really dare not rest. "

Seeing that Master Yuehou couldn't circle him, he had no choice but to give up.

He asked someone to prepare some things that he might need to go to Nanzhao Kingdom, so he asked someone who knew the way to take him there.


"Eldest Prince, you will reach Xi'er after turning over the mountain in front of you. The road over there will be easier to walk, and the number of people will gradually increase. You should change into these clothes, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble." Lord Yuehou The person who led the way for Jin Zijin took out a set of Nanzhao costumes from the package.

Short jacket, trousers with leggings, and a hat.

Jin Zijin nodded and changed his outfit.

The person who led the way gave another package to Jin Zijin and said, "It's going to be hot here at Xi'er, and we can't wear thick clothes anymore. These are some thin clothes that Lord Hou ordered to prepare."

Jin Zijin took it and carried it into his backpack.

Most of the Nanzhao Kingdom has high mountains and clear waters, and horses are not easy to run.He handed the reins to the person who led the way and said: "Just send it here, you can go back and report to Master Yue."

"Yes, First Prince!"

After packing his bags, Jin Zijin looked at the high mountain ahead and started on the road again.

In the evening, he arrived at Xi'er on the other side of the mountain.

Xi'er is considered a relatively prosperous place in Nanzhao Kingdom. The stockades here are very dense, and there are also markets similar to those in Zhuzhao Kingdom.

In the dusk, a shirtless young man strode towards him. He wiped the sweat on his face with a handkerchief as he walked, looking as if he had just done some strenuous work.

He looked ahead and saw that a family was repairing their house, and he happened to be coming from there.

"Brother, you're here..."

When he got closer, Jin Zijin realized that the shirtless man was Yue Rujing.

He didn't know how he survived, his skin was so tanned that he wouldn't have recognized him if he hadn't heard him speak.

"How did you become like this?" Jin Zijin was surprised.

It's almost fucking unrecognizable, with this outfit, there are still a few patches of black ashes on his face.

Yue Rujing was very wronged, and said: "The people here are very xenophobic. I have been helping them as a coolie for the past few months in order to get more information."

(End of this chapter)

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