Chapter 1278 Reshuffle
Jin Zijin pondered for a moment, and said: "Let's go to Yunheshan tomorrow morning, it's not sure if it's Master, and he will come back..." He thought it was impossible, it was just the villagers' thoughts.

Yue Rujing frowned and said, "But Yunheshan is so big, it might not be easy to find."

"Ask all the way along Yunheshan, and you can always find it."

Yue Rujing nodded and said, "That's true."

He inquired all the way, and finally chased him to Xi'er.


Jin Zijin has successfully reunited with Yue Rujing, and the capital is not idle.

With the fall of the Duke's Mansion, Zhuzhao Guochao Hall must reshuffle the cards, and all forces have taken advantage of the trend to take over the idle power of the Duke's Mansion in order to develop their own power.

After this incident, everyone found that the seemingly harmless emperor was very suspicious. Even if he seized power, he didn't dare to seize power too much. As a result, the timid did not get much sweetness.

And the most courageous people are Zhang Cheng and Mr. Xie.

Zhang Cheng was promoted this time, and his official position as Prime Minister Zhang was restored.

But Mr. Xie wanted his youngest son to take over his mantle, so he took this opportunity to get Xie Zhonglin, who had already recovered his body, into the court, and appointed an official from the fourth rank. Although the official was not big, he was a fat man. Difference.

It's just that this move made Prime Minister Zhang dissatisfied, and he also disliked Xie Zhonglin for going through the back door, saying that he was a cripple.

Now that the Lord Protector is dead, anyone who dares to confront Prime Minister Zhang in the court will be able to forgive Mr. Xie. Mr. Xie brought out the situation of the battle in Xining the year before last on the spot, saying that his son's disability represents glory. This is what happened when the Western Expeditionary Army fought for favorable information. Now that he is missing an arm, he has no way to join the army, and he can only be a small fourth-rank officer.

Everyone thinks it makes sense, because when Xie Zhonglin was in the East China Sea before, the military officer's official position was from the fourth rank. It is impossible for someone to make meritorious service and be demoted just because he suffered a work-related injury.

In the end, Prime Minister Zhang didn't win, so he had to give up.

Lin Xingyi, whom the emperor has always valued, was rather embarrassed in this incident. He was considered the son-in-law of the Duke's mansion, and he was directly related. If he didn't take over their family, it would be considered the emperor's kindness.

He has such a delicate identity, he has no right to speak in the entire Duke Mansion incident, and can only reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.

He didn't even dare to mention his son's official career.

When he got home, he was even more annoyed to see Mrs. Lin who was so skinny at home.

"Things are over, if you don't look away, no one can save you."

These days Mrs. Lin has been lingering on the sick bed, because of the affairs of the Duke's mansion, her status in Lin Fu has also plummeted, and she has no intention of managing the group of women in the backyard.As a result, those women disregarded the rules she set and wandered around the house all day, which made her very angry.

Seeing Lin Xingyi, she didn't know whether to be grateful or resentful.

I am grateful that he is still kind and righteous, and did not divorce his wife at this time.She resented him for choosing to stand on the sidelines when something happened in the Duke's mansion, ignoring family affection.

But these are not to be blamed, as they said, the Duke's Mansion is to blame this time.

She said: "I don't think about anything now, I just want to know where Qianqing is? Is she still alive? I just want to see her before I die!"

She didn't know how long she could live. She heard that after the fall of the Duke's Mansion, the sisters who married into other families committed suicide one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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