Chapter 1286 Lin Qianqing is back
When Lin Qianqing came back, Mrs. Lin stood up from the bed and sat in the room. The mother and daughter hugged each other and wept bitterly.

After so many things happened at home, Mrs. Lin, who was always in a good mood, also became haggard a lot. Seeing them like this, she was so sad that she wanted to cry.

She looked at her son and said, "Our family has suffered many disasters these past few years. You, the head of the family, have to support the family. Your daughter-in-law is in poor health and has no time to manage the family. You see Look how messed up it is now, those concubines of yours had a fight in the backyard yesterday, and even came to my yard, asking me to make decisions for them. At my age, I can't help them torment."

"There is such a thing?" Lin Xingyi asked in surprise.

Mrs. Lin snorted coldly: "Without your daughter-in-law's suppression, those vicious girls would have gone to heaven, don't you know?"

Lin Xingyi was speechless for a moment.

He also didn't want Mrs. Lin to be ill all the time, but the affairs of the Duke's Mansion are not trivial. If she can't figure out such a big matter, no one can help her.

"I'll go and have a look." Lin Xingyi said and was about to leave.

"Hey, come back." She was stopped by Madam Lin just as she got up.

"Never mind whether it's early or late, what are you in such a hurry for right now? Qianqing just came back, and she hasn't come in a hurry to say something to you as a father. She is a girl, and you don't even think about what will happen to her for the rest of her life. Pass."

With red eyes, Lin Qianqing suddenly knelt down.

She said: "Father, mother, grandmother, I want to go to see His Royal Highness King Jin in the clan mansion."

"Why are you still going to see him? If he hadn't been ungrateful, your grandparent's family wouldn't have suffered a catastrophe." Mrs. Lin became very excited when she mentioned King Jin.

"What are you going to do with such a man? He can't let you have children. If he did such absurd things, his life is over, and he will never want to get out of that mansion."

Lin Xingyi sighed: "Even if there is no King Jin, the Duke's mansion will be ransacked sooner or later. They have been plotting to steal the country for many years."

"Yeah, I know you feel bad, but for such a big crime, not copying our family together is considered a merit of the ancestors." Mrs. Lin said helplessly: "Qian Qing wants to see King Jin, so I will let you go." Let her go, if King Jin hadn't sent her away, she might have been ruined by that bastard Jin Wei. Wouldn't it be worse than now? No matter how bad King Jin is, he treated us well, Qian Qing, and knew that something happened Protect her first."

"This... The mistakes they made could not be borne by our family, Qianqing. It had nothing to do with Qianqing. How could I..."

"Mom!" Lin Qianqing cried, "Whether you agree or not, I will go and see him."

After Lin Qianqing finished speaking, she ran away crying, and the rest of the people also had sad faces.

Mrs. Lin cried: "What kind of evil have you done? How can you live a good life like this..."

"Who can blame this? It's not that some people are greedy!"

Mrs. Lin was wronged, so she could only remain speechless.


Jin Zijin and Yue Rujing asked about the witch doctor all the way, and chased them all the way to Yunhe Mountain.

Jin Zijin was hearing the news about the white-haired witch doctor from a local villager, looking forward to the cloud-shrouded mountain like a mirror.

"The white-haired witch doctor did come here. He went into the mountains ten days ago. I don't know if he found the medicine he was looking for."

Jin Zijin thanked the villager: "Thank you for telling me, my junior brother and I will go to the mountains to find Master."

(End of this chapter)

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