Chapter 1291 Missing Again

"Don't make excuses, I don't know how capable you are as a woman?"

"Yo yo!" Gu Youyou laughed and said, "Who are you? Are you familiar with me? How do you know how capable I am? Even I don't know myself."

"Hmph, you woman is really hateful. I'll see how long you can keep your mouth shut. Master, this woman's subordinates will be here in a while. Let's take her away first."

Gu Youyou was startled suddenly, and her spine felt chills.

She turned around suddenly, and saw Yu Jizi in black behind her, smiling strangely at her.


Xiang Toon looked for a while but didn't see Gu Youyou, so he asked a few servants to look around.

According to what the porter said, she left on foot with the Taoist priest, going east.

She remembered that there was a small forest in the east, but it was also a good place to talk.

She took people to the small village forest, but failed to see Gu Youyou.

She was so anxious that she said to everyone: "Let's search separately, it's only a short time, and we can't run far."

"Hey, how did this happen? Everyone disappeared." Xiang Toon said worriedly.

Circe came soon after hearing the news, and said anxiously: "I heard that the surname Gu is acting like a demon again?"

Xiang Toon was furious, and the one who picked up the big maid said angrily: "What is the surname Gu? That's the big princess. She's not some kind of demon, she's in a hurry."

"Hmph!" Circe sneered, "What's the rush to lose myself?"

"She has something urgent to do, she might be back soon." Xiang Toon defended Gu Youyou.

"Yeah!" Circe was about to continue to say a few harsh words to hit her, but her foot hurt, and she felt that she had stepped on something, and soon that leg became sore and limp.

Xiang Toon was startled, and didn't care that she was disrespectful to Gu Youyou, so he hurriedly supported her.

"What's going on? What kind of monster are you doing?"

"Be you a big-headed ghost." Circe pushed the toon away, sat on the ground and hugged her leg, but pulled out a needle from the sole of her foot.

She widened her eyes and said in surprise: "Your eldest concubine probably really had an accident this time. This is her needle."

There was a strong numbing drug on the needle, so it was no wonder she felt that one of her legs was going weak.

Fortunately, with her unusual physique, if it were someone else, half of her body would be numb and unconscious.

Circe recruited all the people who were looking for Gu Youyou, and when it comes to the Sanqingguan, it's useless for these servants to look for it.

She told everyone what she had guessed, and everyone felt that a catastrophe was imminent.

The eldest prince was not there, but the eldest princess was taken away.

Xiang Toon was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he had no strength in his whole body, so he was finally carried back.

Not long after, someone came to report that several bodies were found by the stream.

Circe ran over to take a look, only to realize that something serious happened to Gu Youyou.

These people are the dead guards arranged by Jin Zijin next to Gu Youyou. They died peacefully, and they didn't seem to be in any pain, but after examining the bodies, it was found that all of them were broken by the strong internal force. Meridian, who in this world can do it?

"Tell the emperor about this quickly, remember, don't leak the news."

In the absence of Gu Youyou, the only one who can hold down the Great Prince's Mansion is Circe.

She is regarded as a doctor in the family, but her words are more effective than the housekeeper.

Soon the emperor came to the eldest prince's mansion on the grounds of seeing Jin Xuyao. The corpses of those hidden guards lay in the yard. The emperor checked it out himself, and the dark clouds between his brows lowered the temperature of the scene by several degrees.

(End of this chapter)

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