Chapter 1294 Leave
It was useless to think too much, Yue Rujing nodded, took out a knife and cut off the little meat left on the black bear.

Jin Zijin went to tear down some more wood, and swiped the dagger he carried with him, and the wood caught fire.

After filling their stomachs, they put away the remaining bear meat and stuffed it into their backpacks.

Jin Zijin stared at the gurgling stream and said: "This stream can be kept in the big river at the foot of Yunhe Mountain, and you can go out along this stream. But I checked, the hole is relatively narrow, and it will be more uncomfortable for the two of us to go in. .”

Looking back, he looked at the coffin again, and said, "The other road is also related to the stream. Look there, the stream is divided into two roads, one flows along the mountain wall, and the other is artificially introduced into the coffin. In the gossip around, the water has been flowing, but it is not full, which means that there is still a road below here for the stream to flow out."

"The road is under the coffin?" Yue Rujing asked in shock.

Jin Zijin said, "If my guess is correct, it's right below."

"Ah, then what are we waiting for, brother, let's work together to lift this coffin away."

"it is good."


After being captured by Yu Jizi, Gu Youyou headed south all the way. She was sitting in the carriage, and the person sitting opposite her was Yu Jizi.

He kept his eyes closed, and Gu Youyou kept staring at her, without seeing him move.

Outside the carriage was the little Taoist priest named Zhiqiu who was driving the carriage. He looked around from time to time and stopped by a river. Qiu stopped the carriage and went to get some water from the river ahead."

"Well, you go." Yu Jizi still didn't open her eyes.

Ge Qiu took down the three jugs hanging on the carriage and brought them to the river to fetch water.

Back then at Tianmen Mountain behind Lianhua Village, he heard his master's words and left, but he was still worried about his master, so he didn't go far, but dangled down the mountain.

Later, he saw Tianzong and Xuanzong's people going up the mountain together, and they fought again.He secretly hid and didn't participate. After all, he didn't know what they were doing in this mountain. It wasn't a day or two since Tianzong and Xuanzong were at odds with each other, but they didn't fight blatantly. He also didn't know why Fang was fighting so fiercely.

It was only later that he saw Yu Jizi, who was covered in blood, fleeing from the mountain, and their carriage was parked not far away. Yu Jizi got into the carriage without saying anything, and asked him to drive away quickly.

They headed south all the way, and they fled to Nanzhao Kingdom before stopping.In these years, there is only one disciple who has accompanied Yu Jizi, and that is him.

He felt that it was an honor, and even felt that he was luckier than the eldest brother.

After filling the water, he hung two of the jugs on the carriage, lifted the curtain of the carriage with one pot, and said to Yu Jizi, "Master, you are thirsty, drink some water."

Yujizi hummed and opened his eyes.

He took a sip from the kettle and gave it back to Zhiqiu.

Gu Youyou licked her lower lip and said, "I'm thirsty too."

Ge Qiu gave Gu Youyou a cold look, and impatiently took down another pot of water hanging on the carriage and handed it to her.

"Drink less. If you drink too much, you'll have to give up again."

Gu Youyou spit out a mouthful of water that she just drank, choking her so much that she coughed uncontrollably.

It's too much to deal with the captives, and I'm worried that she will be disgusted if I drink saliva, so why don't let her drink it, let her die of thirst.

(End of this chapter)

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