It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1312 To the Candlelight Palace

Chapter 1312 To the Candlelight Palace
"I also admire your eldest prince very much..."

After saying a lot of compliments to each other, they invited Zhao Yanzhong to the palace.

Cui Yingying heard the news that Zhao Yanzhong had entered the palace, and hurriedly came to Liuying Hall to inform the Ninth Princess Jin Liuying.

"Ninth Princess, Zhao Yanzhong, the fifteenth prince of Nanzhao, is here. The emperor and courtiers are receiving him in the Hall of Supreme Harmony."

Jin Liuying stood up suddenly, extremely nervous.

"Did you see him?"

"No, no, I'm in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, where can I go? But I heard from my father-in-law that he is quite handsome, and the emperor is very satisfied."

Jin Liuying sighed softly: "Father has the intention of marrying me to Nanzhao, no matter who comes, he will be satisfied, good or bad, how can you see whether he is satisfied or not?"

This is the fate of the princesses, Cui Yingying also sighed.

They sat on the threshold together, resting their heads on their hands in a daze.

"Master said that when we were 15 years old, if we had the opportunity, he would take us to see the outside world. We will soon be 15 years old, but Master... encountered a catastrophe."

Jin Liuying sniffed, and said: "That's why I am willing to marry to Nanzhao Kingdom. This is my decision, and it is not forced by my father. If I am granted a marriage and can ask for my master, it will be better than being treated as a prince. Tools are stronger."

Cui Yingying smiled comfortingly and said: "Don't think too pessimistically. I heard that the fifteenth prince of Nanzhao was personally selected by the eldest prince for the princess. He has a good-looking talent and good character. Maybe the princess will like it. Woolen cloth."

Jin Liuying forced a smile and said, "Now I can only think so."

Cui Yingying nodded, and Jin Liuying suddenly stood up and said, "Come on, let's ask Eunuch Wan."

There have been no children in the palace for many years, except for Jin Xuyao ​​who was brought into the palace to be raised, Jin Liuying is still a child.

Wherever she goes, there is a naive scenery.

When Eunuch Wan came out to order the palace servants to serve dishes, he ran into Jin Liuying and Cui Yingying who were coming towards him, and said, "Oh, little princess, why did you come here? This is not a place where you two little girls can come .”

Jin Liuying said: "Should we leave in a while, or stay in a while?"

Wan Gonggong is an old man, so why doesn't he know what Jin Liuying means?
He pulled Jin Liuying and Cui Yingying aside and said, "I know that the princess wants to see the fifteen princes of Nanzhao Kingdom, but it's true that girls can't go to places like the Hall of Supreme Harmony, but the emperor will have a banquet in Hanyuan Hall for ten Fifth prince, the princess can go and see secretly."

"Really?" The innocent look on Jin Liuying's face made people feel distressed.

If she married into an ordinary minister's family, she would be in the capital anyway, and if she was wronged or something, the emperor would cover her.

Just look at Jin Fengzhao back then, but she had to marry so far away, Nanzhao, the emperor was powerless to control her.

Eunuch Wan put away those unpleasant thoughts and said with a smile to her: "Really, when the time comes, the old slave will wait for the princess in the yard, and the princess will follow the old slave to watch secretly."

"Okay, thank you, Eunuch Wan."

"Oh, the princess is an old slave."

Cui Yingying on the other side couldn't help asking: "Eunuch Wan, what do you think of the fifteen princes of Nanzhao?"

Eunuch Wan stroked his beardless chin for a while and said: "Look, old slave, the fifteenth prince is well-spoken and polite, no worse than the princes and brothers in our capital. A person like him can definitely be regarded as a man in the Southern Barbarian land. She is a dragon and a phoenix among people, but it is not bad to match Her Highness the Princess."

(End of this chapter)

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