Chapter 1315 Chatting
"What does the princess want to ask? I'm determined to tell you everything, and I can say everything."

Jin Liuying laughed and spoke directly.

"I want to inquire about someone from the fifteenth prince. She is my master and she is currently in the middle school of Nanzhao Kingdom."

Zhao Yanzhong frowned, thought for a while, and asked in a low voice: "Is the princess talking about the eldest prince and concubine of your country?"

"That's right, she is also my eldest sister-in-law." Jin Liuying said.

Zhao Yanzhong cupped his hands to Jin Liuying, and said: "It's a pity, I know very little about the eldest prince's concubine, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help the princess."

"Oh." Jin Liuying felt a little regretful, and said, "Is she all right now?"

Zhao Yanzhong thought for a while and said: "The eldest prince can still get things from her, so it should be fine."

After a while, he asked again: "How did the eldest princess become the master of the princess?"

Jin Liuying smiled lightly and said: "She was not the emperor's wife when she became my master. Yingying studied medicine with her, so I begged the emperor's grandmother to also worship her as a master. She said that my temperament is not suitable for being a doctor, so she didn't teach me I don't have much medical skills, but I was taught to draw because I like to draw."

After finishing speaking, she pointed to the paintings on the wall and said, "Look, these are all drawn by me."

Zhao Yanzhong stood up and looked at each painting carefully.

Most of them are landscape paintings, and there are also a small number of figure paintings.

In those landscape paintings, there are those with beautiful mountains and clear waters, those with towering green mountains, those with green mountains and green waters, and those with beautiful rivers and mountains...

As far as he knew, the princess of the Zhuzhao Kingdom's royal family had no chance to leave the palace, and there were no high mountains in Beiping, so why did these paintings of hers seem to be immersive, as if she had really seen those mountains and waters?

"Princess, where do these paintings come from?"

Jin Liuying's paintings are her favorite works, and she is a little more lively when she paints lightly. She said with a smile: "Although I haven't seen the real great rivers and mountains, I have seen them that Master found for me among the people. booklet, I think the real landscape is probably like this."

Zhao Yanzhong laughed with admiration on his face.

"Princess likes mountains and rivers? It just so happens that Nanzhao is the country of mountains and rivers. If Nanzhao's mountains and rivers are ranked second, no prince would dare to be number one."

Jin Liuying's eyes burst out with a bright brilliance, and said, "Really?"

Zhao Yanzhong said: "Of course it's true. Nanzhao has many mountains and rivers. But climbing the mountain will be very tiring. I hope the princess will not complain when the time comes."

"How come? If I can see the scenery on the top of the mountain, I will be willing no matter how tired I am!"

"Since this is the case, when the princess goes to Nanzhao in the future, I will definitely take the princess to the mountains to watch the sunrise and the sea of ​​clouds."

"Okay, then let's talk about it. Master said that the sunrise on the mountain is the most beautiful. I must go and see it."


If I had known that Princess Nine would marry far away in Nanzhao, the Ministry of Rites would have prepared a dowry for her.

Now that the [-]th Prince of Nanzhao Kingdom is here to welcome the bride, the princess's dowry is almost ready, and he can take the princess away at any time.

The Ministry of Rites has drawn up an auspicious day for the zodiac, which will be three days later.

And taking advantage of these three days, Zhao Yanzhong also inquired about Zhu Zhaoqian's national teacher in many ways.

The national teacher of Zhuzhao Kingdom used to have a transcendent status in Zhuzhao Kingdom, keeping pace with the emperor, but he disappeared a few years ago, and later his most trusted disciple revealed many shameful crimes against him, which caused the image of Taoism to drop in the eyes of the public thousand battles...

What he inquired about was not good for the great witch doctor, which made him startled.

(End of this chapter)

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