Chapter 1320
"The year before last, there was a ten-year-old girl who fell ill at the head of the village. She fell asleep for a few days and couldn't get up. The witch doctor looked after her! Just get her a pack of dark medicine. Now she's lively and jumping around. , very energetic."

"Dou is Dou, do you believe in our great witch doctor, his black paste can cure all diseases."

"The doctors of your Zhuzhao country can't do it. I heard others say that they were pinned and set on fire, and people are going to be ruined or they will die..."

After hearing these things, Gu Youyou's face was covered with black lines. The acupuncture they mentioned was probably the acupuncture of doctors, and the burning was probably cupping.These are superstitious ancient people, did they really believe in Yu Jizi's ability to burn yellow talismans?
Of course, Gu Youyou knew that Yujizi's dance to the great god was just to cater to the superstitious characteristics of this nation. In fact, the water he gave to those sick people was prepared in advance.

Yue Rujing's medical skills were taught by Tianjizi, and Yujizi's ability is naturally true, otherwise she would not have her current status if she relied on her ability to deceive.

"Come on, ignorant and ignorant."

Looking at these people, Gu Youyou's heart suddenly moved.

Ignorant?She may be using to change the ignorance of these people, confront Yu Jizi, and completely defeat him.

Using medical skills to ban the status of witch doctors makes people believe that it is medical skills that can cure people, and it is useless to rely solely on those great gods.

Then, their next battle will be a battle of faith.


Yue Rujing brought Gu Youyou back upright, and brought him into the station.

Jin Zijin had been waiting for a long time, he sat by the window and drank cup after cup of tea, those who didn't know it felt that he was in a leisurely mood, but only he knew that drinking cup after cup of tea was just to suppress the anxiety in his heart That's all.

Seeing the familiar person stepping into the yard through the window, his heartbeat reached its peak again, causing his hand holding the teacup to start to tremble slightly.

The tea overflowed from the rim of the cup and dripped onto the back of his hand, and he couldn't even feel the hot tea.

"Yuyou!" He murmured in a low voice, his voice trembling a little.

The person who entered the courtyard was stunned for a moment, then raised his head, and saw a familiar person standing by the window under the crabapple tree.

He is also as tall and straight as when he first saw him, his eyes are like stars, but compared to the coldness of the year, every look in his eyes is full of tenderness.

"Zijin..." She called him in a low voice, the smile on her face compared to that tree of crabapples.

It was rare for Yue Rujing to get acquainted with this scene, and she only made a few jokes before going out.

"Look, lovesickness, doctor Gu please!"

The people in the house quickly came out and hugged the woman in the courtyard into their arms, as if they were going to rub her into flesh and blood and imprison her tightly.

"Zijin..." Gu Youyou felt that he was strangling him too tightly, and her breathing was not smooth, she said: "The future will be long, we still have a lifetime to live, don't you think I'm coming back well?"

Jin Zijin let go of her and smiled at each other.

Yeah, what did he have to worry about?
When they were in Lianhua Village, they couldn't even see the way ahead, and they had never been so afraid like this.

There is a saying that if you don't get it, you won't lose it.

After getting it for too long, he became nervous instead.



When they were about to speak, they actually spoke at the same time.

Both of them laughed.

Gu Youyou said: "You talk first."

(End of this chapter)

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