It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1328 Picking Herbs By Yourself

Chapter 1328 Picking Herbs By Yourself
Changing from the softness of a lady like before, it is no problem for her to crawl and wade through the water with a heavy bag on her back, and even the outline of her facial features has become a bit more resolute.

Circe also sneered: "If you go back to the Candlelight Kingdom's palace now, no one will recognize you."

"What's wrong with me?"

"You look like a tomboy now, who did your hair for you? How do I think girls in Nanzhao like to wear a thick braid?"

Jin Liuying touched her head and said, "My lord said that it's easier to climb the mountain if you put your hair up."

"Everything is said by your prince now, but it was always said by the master before?"

"Where is it?" Jin Liuying blushed, stomped her feet, and said angrily, "Cersi's mouth is the most poisonous."

Gu Youyou had no choice but to come out to look for Yuanchang, and said: "Okay, Liuying, go to draw quickly, Circe, come here quickly, I'm going down to pick the medicine in the crevice of the stone."

"The medicine in the crevice of the stone?" Circe was very surprised when she saw the position Gu Youyou was staring at, and said, "You don't want to die? What about the cliff, if you fall down, you won't have any bones left."

Gu Youyou said: "This kind of medicine grows in the crevices of the rocks, what do you want to do?" As she spoke, she took out a rope from her backpack and tied it to a strong tree.

"Then call your eldest prince, isn't he good at light work? It's not easy for him to pick a few plants." Circe looked at the steep cliff and expressed his disapproval.

Gu Youyou rolled her eyes at her, and said, "Take it, you, I'm not that hypocritical."

After that, she had already tied the other end of the rope to her body, she laughed and stepped off the cliff and fell down.

"Look at you, look at how powerful Spider-Man is."

Gu Youyou found a suitable place to stay, and soon went down to the herb on the cliff.

Circe and Jin Liuying above broke out in a cold sweat, afraid that she would accidentally fall down.

But it turned out that Gu Youyou's climbing the cliff was no problem, and soon she picked up the medicine and came up.

Jin Liuying patted her heart and said, "Master, you are really brave. You can feel dizzy just looking at such a high cliff."

Gu Youyou smiled and said: "Fortunately, you didn't study medicine with me back then. As a doctor of traditional medicine, being able to climb cliffs is a basic skill, because many precious medicinal materials grow on cliffs."

Circe snorted coldly: "That's the barefoot doctor who needs to go to the mountain to collect medicine by himself for a living, right? A big boss like you just needs to sit in the medical hall and prescribe prescriptions. If your eldest prince knows, look at him How to deal with you."

Gu Youyou: "..."

Circe's mouth is really poisonous.


After waiting for more than half a month, they finally let them wait for the opportunity.

"The Empress Dowager of the Nanzhao Kingdom is seriously ill, and a dozen witch doctors have danced for two days, but it's no help. Mr. Gu, this is a good opportunity for you to make a move." Yue Rujing's face was full of excitement.

Gu Youyou's eyes brightened slightly, she was naturally extremely excited when she heard the news.

She hurriedly asked, "Have they thought about asking a doctor?"

Yue Rujing immediately drooped her face, and said angrily: "These pedantic guys only know to wait for the big witch doctor to come back, but never thought of asking you to come and have a look."

Gu Youyou didn't have any special reaction, this was what she expected.

With a sullen face, Jin Zijin said to Yue Rujing, "Then you should find a way to get them to invite you."

Yue Rujing looked helpless and said: "They don't believe that doctors can cure diseases at all. They only trust witch doctors. If people die, they will say that they have been recruited back by their witches. What do you think I can do?"

 The only younger sister of the Jin family lived a happy life without suffering.

(End of this chapter)

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