Chapter 1359 Yujizi will be back soon
The crowd was surprised again.

We all know that the epidemic was very serious back then.

The witch doctors of Nanzhao Kingdom were helpless, and finally Zhuzhao Kingdom sent the prescription. At first, everyone disagreed with it, thinking that the people of Zhuzhao Kingdom could not be so kind, and they must wish their soldiers to die.

But seeing the massive deaths of the soldiers, their emperor insisted on using that treatment plan against all odds.

In this way, the epidemic was brought under control.

At that time, everyone had doubts about the domestic witch doctor, but soon the great witch doctor who was like a fairy came back, and his deeds brought back the status of the witch doctor.

Now that the person who can cure typhoid fever is in front of them, everyone can't help but feel shaken again.

Gu Youyou saw that it was almost done, and she also knew how to stop when enough was enough. In order not to be besieged by the witch doctor group tomorrow, she smiled and said to everyone: "Witch doctors and doctors have their own strengths, but I just happen to be able to treat those who are sick. It’s just sickness, I don’t know how to cure many diseases that witch doctors can cure, and your big witch doctor invited me here to learn from the directors of various schools to make up for my shortcomings.”

They dragged Yujizi into the water again, wondering if Yujizi would be pissed off when she came back.

Everyone suddenly realized, and said, what did the doctor from Zhuzhao Kingdom come to Nanzhao? It turned out that the great witch doctor had invited him.

"Since the girl was invited by the great witch doctor, she must be a very capable person, otherwise, she would not be able to get into the eyes of the great witch doctor."

"That's right, the great witch doctor has very high requirements for apprentices."

Gu Youyou: "..."

Uh... stop putting money on your great witch doctor, we are not his apprentices.

That's the end of the first day, and the effect is better than expected.

In the next few days, they continued to carry bells on their backs and take prescriptions to do Fang Langzhong.

Half of the stockade near Taihe City was quickly taken away by them. Now there are rumors among the people that there is a walking doctor who came by candlelight. He is very skilled in medicine and is admired by even great witch doctors. The key point is that she is still a young woman.

Some people also say that maybe she is the reincarnation of the witch maiden. The witch maiden came to Nanzhao in her previous life, blessed the people of one side, and descended to another country in this life, but she loves Nanzhao the most. She can't forget the people of Nanzhao. So she's back again.

In short, various rumors have raised her status to the level of the Great Witch Doctor.

Jin Zijin and the others are also back, and this time they have gained a lot.

I heard that after Yue Rujing came back, Zhao Yuezhi, who was the only one who was pleasing to the eye after his blind date, also came to see him, and then the two went to Moon Bay for a sweet date.

Everyone did a good job, but Jin Zijin was not very happy. He said, "Yu Jizi will be back soon."

The smile on Gu Youyou's face froze instantly.

Jin Zijin said again: "With your current status and your status among the people, he dare not imprison you again. If he can't find a suitable reason, he will arouse public resentment. He has no way to control it, and if he loses the trust of the people of Nanzhao, he will struggle."

"Hey!" Gu Youyou sighed and said, "It would be great if we were given more time. I can make everyone trust the doctor more than the witch doctor. There will be more and more diseases that the witch doctor can't cure, doctor But it can be cured.”

However, Jin Zijin said: "Jin Ziyuan's chess move is good. It has ushered in a lot of time. Enough is enough. If it is not enough, it will be greedy."


 Everyone, Happy Zongzi Festival, remember to eat Zongzi, okay! !

(End of this chapter)

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