It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1369 What's so good about her?

Chapter 1369 What's so good about her?
The moon is like a mirror holding her forehead, such a woman is undesirable...

Seeing that it was indeed approaching, Xiaomei Duan reluctantly left.

Yue Rujing felt that he had a headache, he seemed to have done something wrong, and he might cause serious trouble.

How does the princess over there explain it?

Here, Miss Duan, I thought he didn't like him at first, so he just found an excuse to go to the Duan family's military camp to relax, but looking at it now, it seems that the younger sister of Duan's family is no easier to deal with than the princess?
Fortunately, I was depressed all day yesterday, and I feel much better today.

Walking alone in the quiet street, Yue Rujing unknowingly remembered the dream from the night before.

No no no, I can't think about it.

The familiar sense of guilt welled up, and he smiled wryly.

It turned out that after a day of tossing, it just made him forget for a short time.

He now hopes that Yujizi can be more active, and it's good to cause them some trouble every day or two, so that he has something to do and won't think about it.

"How could I fall in love with such a person? What's so good about her? Apart from causing trouble, what's so good about it?" God must have played a big joke on him.


The exhaustion of the journey is like a long river of time that can make people forget everything. Jin Xiaoran and Lin Qianqing have left the capital for a long time. They followed the caravan all the way west, taking out some money from time to time to resell small things. Arrived in Kucha safely.

Lin Qianqing excitedly shuttled among the strange and weird small vendors waiting to barter, looking at one and touching another.

In the past two months, this is the most active girl Jin Xiaoran has seen, the real her.

This kind of her is like the dots of starlight in that strange picture scroll. Although she is small, she radiates her own unique light.

"Aren't you tired after driving for so long? Let's find a place to live first."

Lin Qianqing happily held an object that could be shaken and said, "I've already inquired about it. There is an inn under the high tower in front. The rooms are nice and the price is cheap."

It turned out that she didn't care about playing, and she had already found a house.

"Let's go, stay here first, and put your things down."

He was leading two horses alone.

The biggest achievement is that Lin Qianqing actually learned how to ride a horse last time she went out, otherwise he would take her on the same horse, and there would be no place for them to salute.

When the two came to the inn that Lin Qianqing mentioned, they were indeed amazed by the unique Kucha culture.

After paying a small amount of money, I will get a good room.

After traveling for more than two months, everyone was tired.

Putting aside the excitement of being a newcomer, Lin Qianqing realized how tiring it was.

She was half lying on the chair and didn't want to get up anyway.

Jin Xiaoran called for hot water and said to her: "Don't sleep yet, it will be more comfortable to take a bath and then sleep."

"Well, I'm so tired."

"I have to wash when I'm tired, so I can relieve my fatigue." He said.

Lin Qianqing stretched out a hand and said with a mischievous smile, "Then help me up."

Jin Xiaoran fondled her hair and said, "Okay, help you up."

He pulled her up and said, "Do you want me to carry you to the bathtub?"

"Ah? No, I'll go by myself."

Jin Xiaoran smiled and said: "Okay, you wash here, I'll go downstairs, I just checked, there is a bathroom for men downstairs."

It's the kind of public bathroom where everyone takes a bath together. If it was before, he would definitely not want to do it.

But now he has figured everything out, he is an ordinary person, he just wants to be an ordinary person, why can't other people wash him?He can do what others can do.

 There are four more in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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