Chapter 1375 Medical Fees

Everyone was shocked.

"My little treasure is still so young, what if he becomes a cripple? I can't live through this day..."

The man also cried, "How do I know that he stretched out his arm suddenly? I don't want to cut him!"

It turned out that the man was chopping firewood in the yard, while the child was playing with a little grasshopper made of bamboo. He flew the little grasshopper up and landed on the side of the wooden pier where he was chopping firewood. He thought the little grasshopper would be killed. When the father cut it, he stretched out his hand to protect it, but was chopped off by the ax that the father didn't rush to take away.

Children are ignorant and adults are too careless.

After hearing this, everyone sighed.

But things have already happened, and the strange things can't save the child, so everyone can only persuade this group of couples separately.

"Don't be too anxious. This doctor is very powerful. She said that there is nothing that can't be cured. If you can't tie your child's severed hand, she will definitely not take the child in."

"Yeah, stop arguing, both of you, it's all for your little treasure's sake, the child is suffering inside, if you have the time to quarrel, why don't you hurry up and worship the witch maiden?"

Everyone clamored for the couple to kneel outside the yard.

Gu Youyou and Circe were in that room, and the operation was almost completed.

She took a hurried white cloth and wiped the sweat from her forehead, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's bandage him up quickly. Fix it firmly, the child is active."

"Well, you should rest first."

When Gu Youyou came out of the yard, everyone surrounded him in a swarm.

"How about it, Doctor Gu, is it ready?"

Gu Youyou said with a faint smile: "It's already connected, but whether you can survive or not depends on whether you parents can take good care of him."

The couple nodded hastily, and said, "Yes, we will definitely take a good look at him."

"Well, his hands can't move, the child is not sensible, you must take care of it. Also, always pay attention to observation, and if you find something wrong, especially if the broken limb changes color, come to me immediately..."

Gu Youyou explained all kinds of precautions to the couple, but she didn't remember it once, and said it to them a second time, and a third time.

They were not relieved because Gu Youyou had already received the severed hand. Gu Youyou told them that the protection in the later stage is more important, otherwise it will be very dangerous and may endanger their lives.

They almost remembered that Circe had already bandaged the little boy and led him out.

The woman saw it, and ran towards the child crying violently. Circe hurriedly stood between the woman and the boy, and said sharply: "As for your carefree temper, I think it's better to hold the arm well." , sooner or later it will have to be cut down.”

She always spoke badly, but Gu Youyou didn't mind, she was used to it.

The woman didn't mind because they tied her son's arm, squatting on the ground and looking up at Circe.

Circe snorted coldly: "His hand has to be well protected, are you rushing over like this to try to break it off again?"

The woman nodded quickly: "Yes, I was too excited, two doctors, thank you two doctors for saving my son."

She didn't care about her son, so she went back to grab the man and said, "Quickly take out all the money and give it to the doctor."

The man froze for a moment, and hurriedly took out the money bag with a cry.

A bag of broken silver, almost.

He handed the bag to Gu Youyou with some embarrassment, and said: "We are not a rich family, that's all our family's savings, Doctor Gu, don't dislike it."

(End of this chapter)

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