Chapter 1382

Circe bit her lip and said, "I know that this old man will be a moth sooner or later. I'll just say a few packs of medicine to poison him to death. You have to deal with him slowly."

Gu Youyou snorted, rolled her eyes, and said, "You're the one to show me? Why do you think he can live to such an old age? You think his brain is the same as your driver's."

Circe: "..."

Gu Yunxi: "..." He was lying innocently.

"Okay, when they come to take people later, be more energetic, even if they are prisoners, we can't lose our momentum."

Someone in the palace took the emperor's decree to the general in charge of surrounding the posthouse. After he read it, he finally ordered the people inside to be arrested.

The three of Gu Youyou were ready to be arrested, and they didn't waste their words. When they came to arrest them, they followed them out.

The three of them were neatly dressed, although their hands were in shackles, they did not lose their demeanor at all.

"Doctor Gu came out, ah, they put shackles on Doctor Gu."

"It's these Zhuzhao people, we can't let them go."

The onlookers had two voices, one was defending Gu Youyou, and felt that there must be some misunderstanding when the Emperor Nanzhao ordered them to be arrested.

Some people firmly believed that their purpose in coming to Nanzhao was not pure, and clamored to kill them to sacrifice the flag.

But no matter what you say, even if there is only one person speaking for herself, Gu Youyou feels that the hard work during this period is worthwhile.

The Nanzhao Kingdom is different from other countries. Their beliefs are above all else. In the face of beliefs, if the emperor commits public anger, he will kick him as soon as he says it.

So if he really wanted to convict her of something, the Nanzhao Emperor had to be concerned about public opinion.

Last time, the mother of the child who lost her hand hugged the child and squeezed into the crowd and followed them forward.

She wept in a low voice and asked: "Doctor Gu, Doctor Gu, if you have any difficulties, please tell your majesty, your majesty is a benevolent monarch, he will not make things difficult for you, don't hurt yourself by any misunderstanding."

Gu Youyou responded with a faint smile: "Thank you for Xiaobao's mother's concern. I believe that the emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom is a wise monarch and he will not wrong any good person."

"That's right, no matter what happens to the Zhuzhao Kingdom and the Nanzhao Kingdom, Doctor Gu is a good person."

"Fart, you've all been deceived by her. She's a native of Zhuzhao country, but she covets our land. How can she be a good person?"

"Li San, your mouth is so stinky? Then tell me, what did Dr. Gu do to become a bad person?"

"Just because she is from Zhuzhao Country."

"That doesn't mean they're bad guys."

"The people of Zhuzhao Country deserve to die, she is a bad person."

Circe smiled coldly, turned to look at the man named Li San and said, "The great witch doctor is also from Zhuzhao country, we came to Nanzhao to help you only at the invitation of the great witch doctor, why didn't we arrest him together?" ?” Hmph, if we don’t make it easy for us, let’s make it difficult for everyone.

Circe's words surprised thousands of waves, and the general who was escorting them forward saw something bad, and immediately said angrily: "Don't speak, hurry, take them away."

There is no need for Circe to speak anymore, this sentence is enough.

She laughed and quickened her pace.

The people behind were stunned.

"What? The great witch doctor is also from Zhuzhao Country?"

"How is it possible, great witch doctor..."

But no one can tell where the Great Witch Doctor came from. Like Gu Youyou, the Great Witch Doctor has helped many people. He has a high status in the hearts of ordinary people, second only to the legendary Witch Empress.

(End of this chapter)

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