Chapter 1385 How to pick it up

She went up the wooden stairs and stood in front of Yujizi.

"Great witch doctor, look."

"How did you break it?" He raised his hand and reached for the child's arm.

Because this hand will hurt if touched by others, the child has already used it to protect it.When Yujizi approached it, he immediately turned around and hid his arms between his mother and himself.

The woman was startled, and hurriedly said: "Great witch doctor, you can't touch this hand. Doctor Gu said that if you touch it, it may be destroyed, and it may even endanger your life."

Yu Jizi frowned and said, "You can't even touch it. How did she get married?"

The woman shook her head and said: "We don't know, the whole arm was cut off at that time, we only wanted to save the child's life, but Doctor Gu helped to connect this arm."

"If the whole hand is cut off, can it still be connected?" Yu Jizi looked at Zhiqiu.

Zhiqiu lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Master, I heard that this is indeed the case."

Yu Jizi was extremely surprised, and there was even an imperceptible excitement in her eyes.

He asked anxiously, "Can you move your hands?"

The woman nodded, and said: "Yes, the fingers can move, but they are not fully recovered. Dr. Gu said that it will take a hundred days to fully recover. After waiting for a long time, you can adjust slowly and return to normal activities. It's just that you can't do it." Too much work."

Yu Jizi looked at the child's hand with a look of surprise.

He wanted to stretch out his hand to pull it, but the child was very guarded against him. In front of so many people, he naturally couldn't do something to scare the child to cry, so he had to give up.

The woman's heart was beating wildly. She was afraid that the great witch doctor would say that Gu Youyou was unreliable, and that she would tear up her hand and make it up again. She tightly protected the child, and whispered in a hoarse voice: "Great witch doctor, Gu Youyou The doctor's medical skills are very powerful, and she cured many diseases that witch doctors couldn't cure, and everyone has seen it with their own eyes."

"Oh? Really?" Yu Jizi agreed with Gu Youyou's medical skills.

But he knew that Gu Youyou's medical skills were not passed down from Dr. Zhou, and where she learned her medical skills has always been a mystery.

The woman nodded and said, "Yes, Dr. Circe also said that Dr. Gu can not only cut off the hands and feet, but also replace the broken heart and lungs. In short, what is broken can be replaced. There is no disease that she can't cure. .”

Yu Jizi's eyes suddenly darkened, and when he heard the woman's words, he suddenly felt that many things he didn't understand in his mind suddenly understood.

Gu Youyou is too strange, she is an outlier in the whole chess game, her appearance disrupted all his plans.

Her strange medical skills, her strange theories, what she reveals all over her body, those things that don't belong to this era...

She... Where is broken, where can I replace it, could it be...?
"Great witch doctor, great witch doctor?" The woman was startled when she saw Yu Jizi's sudden change of expression, and he didn't respond after calling several times, as if he didn't hear it.

"Great witch doctor, what's wrong with you?"


Seeing Yu Jizi who was in a daze, Zhiqiu also felt something was wrong.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Jizi reacted, and suddenly smiled again: "It's nothing, Master is just thinking about something, and he is a little lost in thought."


It's easy for a fairy-like figure like Master to get into samadhi, right?he thinks.

Yujizi turned to the woman and said, "Go down and take good care of the child."

If the woman was released again, she responded repeatedly and retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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