Chapter 1391
He paused, looked at the happy queen mother, and barely ate half full.

"Queen Mother, you can eat too." He put her favorite dish into a bowl for the Queen Mother.

"Hey, my son has grown up." The queen mother said gratifiedly: "You were only a little old when your father passed away. He was always worried that you were the youngest, and that you could not snatch anything from your brothers and sisters. I am telling me to always take you by my side, and not to let you be wronged. Now that you are older, you are also in charge, no matter how much wronged you are, you will definitely be able to bear it. "

The Fifteenth Prince smiled and nodded, turning his face to look at the sky from time to time.

"Eat more, hey, why didn't you put the chopsticks?" Seeing how the fifteen princes ate very little today, the queen mother hurriedly persuaded him to eat more.

The Fifteenth Prince raised his head and said, "Queen Mother, I have already eaten. It's getting late, how about I come back tomorrow to talk with you?"

"Ah? You're leaving just now?" The Queen Mother looked very disappointed, and said, "Hey, everyone has left. Don't you think I'm a long-winded old woman, and don't want to talk to me?"

"No, Queen Mother, it's getting late now. I came out early in the morning and never went back. Liuying must be waiting for me at home."

The Empress Dowager's complexion darkened, and she snorted coldly: "Your wife is just the princess of the Zhuzhao Kingdom, do you really treat her like a treasure? Even if you don't go back today, so what? She can still go to her father to sue her." No?"

The expression of the Fifteenth Prince changed, and he said in surprise: "Why would Queen Mother think so? Now that the two countries are on good terms, Liu Ying married us in Nanzhao, that is the sincerity of the Emperor of Zhuzhao Kingdom."

"What sincerity?" The Empress Dowager threw her chopsticks on the table and said coldly, "That's nothing more than a conspiracy by the emperor of Zhuzhao Kingdom. They came to Nanzhao and tried their best to win people's hearts. What do you think they mean? "

The Fifteenth Prince felt that something was wrong, and said in surprise: "What does Queen Mother mean? Aren't you also a very good doctor in Zhuzhao Kingdom? Queen Mother, is something wrong?"

The queen mother was stunned, her eyes dodged, and said: "What can happen if you are fine? Don't think about it, you are not going anywhere tonight, just stay here with the queen mother, if you are sleepy, go to sleep, just you The place where you slept when you were a child, the queen mother has prepared for you."

"No, something must have happened." The fifteenth prince turned pale, and said, "Is it Liuying... What did you do to her? Even if we have anything to do with Zhuzhao Kingdom, she is innocent."

"Fifteen..." The Queen Mother looked at him disappointedly, and said, "She is the princess of the Zhuzhao Kingdom. If we go to war with the Zhuzhao Kingdom, she will be the first to sacrifice the flag."

"Why do we want to go to war with Zhuzhao Kingdom?" The fifteenth prince pushed away the queen mother and said, "No, you can't do this, she is my princess."

The fifteenth prince turned around coldly, and strode out of the palace.

The queen mother was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said loudly: "Come here, arrest him, and don't let him leave the palace."

The Empress Dowager had already made preparations, and people had already ambushed people inside and outside the palace. After hearing the Empress Dowager's order, they immediately jumped out of the dark and rushed towards the fifteenth prince.

The Fifteenth Prince is now sure that something happened to Jin Liuying, and they brought him to the palace early in the morning, just to make it easier to deal with Jin Liuying.

She is a pampered princess who has never been treated like that. I really don't know what they have done to her.

(End of this chapter)

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