Chapter 1418 No one found
The people in front were running on horseback, while the people behind, Jin Zijin was not slow in driving the carriage, and followed behind while keeping a relative distance.

Until the follow-up to the rock village twenty miles away from Kucha.

"What to do? They have been following."

"What else can I do? Circe knows this place and hopes Master is not there."

They pushed the door open and entered. Fortunately, Yu Jizi was not there, and Gu Youyou was also transferred by the master. They let out a sigh of relief.

Circe pushed the two Taoist priests away into the cave, and searched one by one, but there was no sign of Gu Youyou, nor did Yu Jizi.

She was extremely annoyed, and said angrily: "Where are they? Where did you take Gu Youyou?"

Zhiqiu looked at her fortunately, and said: "I don't know, you have seen everything, they are not here."

"'re stubborn, right?" Circe stabbed Zhiqiu with a poisonous needle, but he blocked it nimbly, and the needle pierced Yiqing's arm.

He yelled loudly: "Brother Zhiqiu?"

Zhiqiu twitched his eyelids violently, and slapped Circe with his palm.

"You woman should have died long ago."

Jin Zijin raised his hand and lifted it lightly, removing the force of his palm.

He stood in front of Circe, facing Zhiqiu, and said calmly, "Where are they?"

They are more than enough to deal with a woman of Circe, but they are like ants against elephants against Jin Zijin, they have no chance of winning.

"Eldest brother, we were called out by Master to chase after them. They were still here at that time. We don't know where they are now."

Jin Zijin looked at Tianjizi, who had been staring at the two of them, seeing that they were not lying, so he nodded to Jin Zijin.

Yiqing was hit by Circe's poisonous needle, and soon his arm turned dark purple, and the pain made him sweat profusely.

Tianjizi sighed softly, "Cersi, give him the antidote."

"I haven't found that woman Gu Youyou yet, how can I just give them the antidote?"

"Give it to him, they don't know either."

Yiqing gritted her teeth and said in a low voice to Circe, "Also, please ask Miss Circe to give me the antidote."

Circe snorted coldly and threw the antidote to him.

Tianjizi said to Yiqing and Zhiqiu again: "Your master is not what you see, and the current Daozong is not the former Daozong. Don't stay here, go back, go to Sanqing Go to Guanli to find Huo Li and start a new life."

Zhiqiu gritted his teeth, hesitated to speak, but refused to leave.

Tianjizi raised his eyebrows, and said lightly: "I know you have many doubts, so just ask if you have any questions."

Confuse?Of course he has.

Following Yu Jizi these years, although most of the time he was looking at various people in Yu Jizi, he was kind, everyone liked him and treated him like a god.

It was only by being close to him that I gradually saw that something was wrong with him.

He controlled the hearts of the people of Nanzhao Kingdom, and suddenly shot at Gu Youyou, and his unknown secrets.

Every time he asked, he would smile and say, "You don't need it now, and Master will tell you when you can use it."

Looking at his amiable face, he couldn't ask any more questions, so he could only scratch his head and giggle.

But what is he doing?But it was something he always wanted to know.

"Uncle, Zhiqiu wants to know what Master has been doing these years?"

"Didn't you always follow him?" Tian Jizi said.

(End of this chapter)

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