Chapter 1420 Completely crazy
Jin Xiaoran pointed to the slit on the jade pillar and said, "It looks like it can be opened."

Behind, Lin Qianqing and Circe also caught up with the Tianjizi.

Tianjizi took the jade pillar, looked at the sun, and was overjoyed.

"Haha, Zijin, this thing really belongs to you. With it, we will be able to get rid of Yujizi this time."

Tianjizi looked very happy, he laughed and opened the jade pillar, and a bead fell out of it.

Jin Zijin looked at the bead in surprise, and said, "Candles shine on the bead?"

A sacred object of the Jin family.

Tianjizi smiled and said: "Yes, this thing went around and came back to you. Look, you can't throw it away even if you want to. They picked it up for you again, haha..."

Yu Jiang was also shocked, where is such an important thing in Jin Ziyuan?When did he get it?Why didn't you say it?
If he had spoken out while the fifth prince was still alive, holding this bead and raising his arms, he might not know whose name the world belonged to.

He sighed dejectedly, and stepped aside.

What's the use of saying this now?It's not yours, it's not yours after all.

"Master, how do I use this thing?" Jin Zijin asked.

Tian Jizi raised the beads high towards the sun, and said with a smile, "Lend it to Master for now, the old man will not live long anyway, you can take it back after I die."

After saying that, he ate the bead in front of everyone.

Everyone: "..."


Gu Youyou was already driven crazy by the old pervert in the cave. As a doctor, she had never seen any bloody scenes, but the bloody scene in front of her made her want to vomit.

Yu Jizi caught people from nowhere, men, women and children.

A grizzled old lady had her heart ripped out and is now dead.

The reason is that Yu Jizi believes that Gu Youyou has the ability to help people change their hearts, and he wants to verify the authenticity with his own eyes.

Holding a bloody heart in his hand, Yu Jizi pointed at the dead people on the ground and shouted at Gu Youyou: "Help, don't you know how to change people's hearts? She is so old, and so is this heart." Old, come and replace her with a young heart."

He captured a seven-year-old girl.

Gu Youyou was so frightened that her face paled. Seeing this, she grabbed the little girl who was crying out of fright and protected her behind her, and yelled at Yu Jizi: "Are you so crazy? The old lady is already dead. .”

Yu Jizi laughed crazily: "Aren't you a genius doctor? What about the benevolence of your doctor? How can you ignore death? You can't just watch these people die in front of you and replace her with a young My heart, could it be that you are a charlatan?"

Mada, do I look like a liar?

They thought that Yu Jizi was really crazy. In the blink of an eye, another old man who was too old was caught by him, and he touched his waist. After a while, he grabbed the old man's waist.

The old man did not die immediately, but lay on the ground moaning in pain.

Gu Youyou almost fainted, there are more than ten living people here, how can he force her?
Jin Ziyuan supported Gu Youyou from behind, so that she did not fall to the ground.

The huge space was full of blood, human organs, everyone's crying, and Yu Jizi's wild laughter.

"Crazy, almost crazy." Gu Youyou pointed at Yu Jizi and said, "Alzheimer's dementia is not terrible, what I'm afraid of is dementia and paranoia after dementia, ha, you want to change to another body and continue to live, right? Dreaming!"

(End of this chapter)

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