Chapter 1435 Figured it out
Jin Zijin put the food box on the stone table beside the bed and patted her on the back to wake her up.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw a tall figure sitting by the bed.

"Zijin?" She was stunned, rubbed her eyes again, and said in surprise after confirming that it was him: "Are you back?"

"Yeah." He hummed lightly, and said, "I've worked hard for you these days, I..."

"Shh, don't say it, I know it all."

The scene of Tianjizi's death was too weird. In fact, they believed in Yujizi who had changed his soul, because this was the case with Gu Youyou himself.I just don't know why Yujizi didn't change to Jin Ziyuan as he wished, but went to Tianjizi anyway.

Jin Zijin thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's because Master ate the sun candle."


"Master is a body of pure yang. I guess, a body of pure yin plus Youyingzhu and a body of pure yang plus solar candlelight have the same effect."

After a moment of silence, Gu Youyou said: "So you still believe that the person who came later was actually Yujizi, not Tianjizi's reflection?"

"Probably so!" he said.

No one can be sure if it is, maybe at the last moment, the soul in that body doesn't even know who it is.

In short, everything is in the past, the dead are gone, what else can the living not let go of?
Jin Zijin squeezed out a smile, brushed the broken hair from Gu Youyou's forehead behind her ears, and said in a low voice, "Go to sleep later, eat something first."

Gu Youyou's stomach just happened to growl, and both of them laughed.

It seemed that they hadn't sat down for a good dinner together for a long time.

No, this meal is considered supper.

It's been a long time since they sat together for supper.

People in Kucha do not have as strong a desire for food as people in the Central Plains. The food is very simple. All kinds of flatbreads that are not very tasty, paired with a pot of mutton soup, are considered very good food.

Gu Youyou barely ate half full, and felt that these things were really hard to swallow.

As soon as people's lives get better, they start to picky eaters, and she can't avoid this vulgarity.

She kept a lot of grapes for her unfilled stomach.

She actually knew that it was not good to eat grapes with high sugar content in the middle of the night, but after eating that bowl of mutton soup, the greasy taste was unpleasant, and it was impossible to suppress it with fruit.

And in her room, there is only one kind of fruit, grapes.

Yu Jizi is already dead, sometimes I can't believe it when I think about it, they were lying on the bed, Gu Youyou captured herself into that cave, met Jin Ziyuan, and Yu Jizi arrested innocent people to deal with her He spoke out about all kinds of persecution.

Including why Jin Ziyuan became like this.

It took a long time for Jin Zijin to ask: "How is Jin Ziyuan's condition?"

Gu Youyou was very worried, and sighed in a low voice: "His condition is not very good. I don't know much about the poison of that kind of Gu insects. The medical equipment here is too poor. It would be great if I could test it. Sigh , look, your junior brother also injured Circe."

Jin Zijin was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice, "I told him."

"Well, he apologized."

"He might..." Jin Zijin always felt that something was wrong. For many years, he thought that he knew Yue Rujing very well, but now it seems that maybe he is not like that.

"Forget it, go to bed quickly."

"Well, you sleep too!"

It was this embrace that made her sleep peacefully.


(End of this chapter)

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