It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1441 The Queen Mother's Idea

Chapter 1441 The Queen Mother's Idea

"Wan Decheng, if you have anything to say, you can talk about it now."

"Hey!" Eunuch Wan nodded, and hurriedly said: "The emperor has been ill for a long time, but he has never allowed the imperial doctor to be invited, and he has not allowed this matter to spread. Empress Dowager, what do you think of this! "

"Is the emperor sick?" The queen mother stood up excitedly when she heard these words, and Aunt Li beside her hurriedly supported her, fearing that she would fall again.

"The emperor is sick? When did you get sick? Why did you say it now? Why didn't you invite the imperial physician?"

The queen mother was in a hurry, and a series of questions were thrown out by her.

Eunuch Wan was also aggrieved, and said: "The emperor won't let it go, queen mother, the emperor said that no one should know that he is sick. These years, the emperor's health is getting worse day by day, and he has been gritting his teeth and enduring it. In the past, bear with it." That's fine, but this time... the old slave doesn't seem quite right this time, the emperor is old, not as good as when he was young, I'm afraid it won't be so easy this time."

The queen mother was startled, grabbed Aunt Li's hand and said: "Hurry up, help Ai's family go to Qianqing Palace to see the emperor."

"No, it can't be done!" Eunuch Wan hurriedly stopped the queen mother, and said, "The emperor said that the news of his illness cannot be spread, otherwise there will be a big accident. The queen mother is still going to the emperor's palace at such a late hour. It’s hard to handle when we arrive!”

The queen mother thought about it, but it was so.

Going to the Emperor's Palace at such a late hour, isn't there no 300 taels of silver here?

It's not that the emperor doesn't want people to know that the queen mother doesn't understand, but no matter what, can she die?Could it be that in order to guard against those who have wolfish ambitions, it is impossible to see a doctor?
The queen mother fell down on the collapsed floor and said to Aunt Li: "Hurry up, go to the imperial doctor Xuan, and tell me that Aijia is sick. Wan Decheng, go to Qianqing Palace to invite the emperor, and say that Aijia is sick. sick to death."

Eunuch Wan was able to stay by the emperor's side for the rest of his life, and he was a genius, so he immediately understood what the empress dowager meant.

Hastily kowtowed to the Queen Mother, got up and ran to Qianqing Palace.

The emperor was sleeping soundly, breathing steadily, but for the sake of his body, Wan Decheng could only boldly wake him up.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty wake up!"

"Well, what's the matter?" The emperor's sleep was very light, and when Eunuch Wan called him, he woke up.

"Is it dawn? What time is it, so fast."

He struggled to get up, but said again: "Didn't I say last night that I won't go to court early today? Wan Decheng, what's going on?"

Wan Decheng wiped the cold on his forehead, and said tremblingly: "Old slave, this old slave has reported to the emperor, the queen mother... the queen mother invited the imperial doctor at night, and said that she was ill, very sick, and the old slave had no choice but to disturb the emperor. sleep well."

Being by the emperor's side all his life, this is the first time Wan Decheng has done anything to deceive the emperor, and he has already put his head on the waistband of his trousers.

"Is the Queen Mother sick?" The emperor had already woken up from a doze, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at Wan Decheng who was kneeling at his feet dripping with sweat.

In Jin Moning's life, the person he has spent the longest time with is not the woman he loves the most, nor the woman he hates the most, but the eunuch Wan Decheng.

How did his every move escape his eyes?
He is sick, but his mind is very clear.

It was false that the Queen Mother was sick, Wan Decheng went to the Queen Mother for help, and came up with the idea that the Queen Mother was sick, but it was true that he was invited to see a doctor in Renshou Palace.

"Get up!" the emperor sighed.

It was also embarrassing for the eunuch.

"Show Renshou Palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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