Chapter 1443
After ten days like this, the emperor's illness still didn't get better, but it was controlled by the imperial doctors and it didn't get worse.

You could tell all kinds of lies a few days ago, but after so long, it's understandable that the Queen Mother's illness is not getting better. After all, the Queen Mother is getting old, and the illness comes like a mountain.

But the emperor has been in the empress dowager's palace all the time, and he doesn't allow people to see it, and he doesn't go to the morning court, so it doesn't make sense.

I don't know where the news came out, saying that it wasn't the queen mother who was sick at all, but the emperor was sick.

The empress dowager did that just to deceive others.

If this is the case, how serious is the emperor's illness if he stays behind closed doors for more than ten days?

The court was boiling, and they all tried their best to inquire about the situation in the palace. Once this matter was confirmed, they did not know what kind of bloody storm would be caused.

The emperor naturally knew the current situation, he was already struggling to get up when he was not in good health.

"Your majesty, just wait a few more days, and the trouble will not be clear for the time being." The queen mother was anxious, if she hadn't personally guarded, the emperor would have gone to the court early.

But she heard the imperial doctor's words very clearly, the emperor's physical condition is already very bad, if he continues to work hard, even the gods will not be able to save him.

The Empress Dowager didn't understand what happened in the previous dynasty, she only knew that the emperor couldn't go on any longer, he had to cooperate with the imperial physician to recuperate well.

"Mother, it's okay if you don't go. Erchen feels that he is in good health these days, and he can go to court early."

"No, no, you have to listen to what the imperial physician says. Now that Zijin is not here, what if you have something wrong?"

Eunuch Wan also persuasively persuaded him from the sidelines, saying: "Yes, Your Majesty, the people outside are just guessing now, they are not sure whether this matter is true or not, and they dare not act rashly. If you take another two days to recuperate well, It's not too late to go out when you look better..."

"That's right, they didn't know so soon, Your Majesty, let's rest for two more days!"

The emperor really didn't have the energy to argue, he just said that if he went out in his current situation, someone with a heart could tell at a glance that he was pretending to be courteous, and on the contrary, his guess was confirmed.

In this case, it is better to stay for another two days.

The emperor said to the imperial physician: "I will give you two more days. After two days, I must look like a healthy person."

The two imperial doctors looked embarrassed, but they could only nod helplessly.

I just hope that the emperor can try his best to cooperate.


Lin Xingyi was hesitant, but decided to visit Huanzhi secretly at night.

Xie Huanzhi was woken up in his sleep, and was surprised to see Lin Xingyi.

"Master Lin? It's so late, what's the matter with Master Lin?"

"Master Xie, there is indeed something urgent."

Seeing Lin Xingyi's serious expression, Xie Huanzhi didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly invited him into the room.

Lin Xingyi followed Xie Huanzhi into the study, and then took off the cloak on his body.

He said: "To tell you the truth, I have come to Xie Your Excellency's residence at such a late hour because of the Emperor's business."


Lin Xingyi said: "Lord Xie also knows that those restless people in the court hall have been ready to move in the past few days, because the emperor may be sick in the palace, not the empress dowager."

Mr. Xie is also an old man who has been with the emperor for many years, and at the same time, he is also a fine person.

Everyone felt the abnormality of the emperor, and guessed that it was not the queen mother who was sick, but the emperor, how could he not know?
(End of this chapter)

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