Chapter 1452 Family Letter
When Xie Huanzhi received the news late at night, he couldn't care less about other things. He couldn't even wait until dawn, so he was anxious to find someone to discuss with.

"Go, find the second young master."

The old servant thought that the second young master had rested with the second young mistress at this time, so it was inconvenient to disturb him, but seeing that the master had never been so eager as he is now, he had no choice but to knock on the door of Zhong Lin's room.

The first one to come out was Cuiya, the servant girl next to Second Young Mistress. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and asked, "Uncle Fang, it's so late, why are you looking for Second Young Master?"

"Cuiya, it's not me looking for it, it's the master looking for it."


"Yeah, the master looks very anxious, and I would like to trouble you to pass it on to the second young master, the master is waiting for him in the study."

Cuiya hurriedly responded, and ran to the inner room to knock on the door.

Xie Zhonglin, who was trying to have a second child, was interrupted at a critical moment, and his temper that had not been lost for many years suddenly came up.

"Get lost!" A shoe hit the door panel, causing Cui Ya to back away in fright.

The second young master speaking in this tone is so far away, like a dream.

What happened to him today?Did you quarrel with your own lady again?
Thinking of this possibility, Cui Ya was so anxious that the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu were no longer afraid.

She knocked on the door and said loudly: "Second Young Master, Second Young Master, Uncle Fang is here and said that Master is looking for you."

What are you looking for in the middle of the night?
Facing Cuiya's eager knocking on the door one after another, no matter how strong my heart is, I can't continue.

He rolled over and sat on the bed, rubbing his face depressed.

Miss Du put on her clothes slowly, and said: "Go out and have a look, it's midnight, dad must be looking for you urgently."

"Well, wait until I come back." Xie Zhonglin held Miss Du's face with his only remaining hand and kissed her, the strong lust in his eyes gradually receded.

After putting on his clothes, he went to the gate of the courtyard. When he saw that Fang Bo was really anxiously waiting beside his father, he was sure that his father must be in a hurry.

"Fang Bo, do you know what my father is looking for me in a hurry?"

Fang Bo said: "It seems that the young master sent back a letter from home. I don't know exactly what happened."

In the study room, only a small lamp was lit, and Xie Huanzhi paced back and forth anxiously in the study room.

After Fang Bo led Xie Zhonglin to the study, he retreated consciously.

Seeing Xie Zhonglin coming, Xie Huanzhi gradually calmed down.

"Zhong Lin, come quickly, I'm afraid something big will happen in the capital."

Xie Zhonglin felt a little dissatisfied with desire, but seeing his father so serious, he also became serious.

"I heard that elder brother sent a letter home, but what did he mention?"

"Yes, it's the letter home from your elder brother."

Xie Huanzhi gave Xie Zhonglin the home letter sent back by Xie Zhongsen. These pages contained ordinary content, but when they were roasted on the fire, something unusual came out.

After reading it, Xie Zhonglin remained silent for a long time. After a long while, he opened his mouth and said, "Father, do you think the elder brother means that General Che is in charge or not?"

However, Xie Huanzhi said: "It takes time for the army to move out. Far water can't save near fire. The point is not that General Che will take care of it, but that we can't just wait for death. At least we have to find a way to send Xintong and Yi'er away!"

Xie Huanzhi began to pace anxiously again, and said, "What are we two afraid of? We are afraid that they will threaten our family members. How about this, send Xintong and Yi'er to your elder brother, and only send them to your elder brother Where is it safe, I can rest assured."

"Well. Okay, I'll arrange it tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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