Chapter 1454 Come up with an idea
"Mrs. Lu, we two sisters are handkerchiefs. We have known each other for 40 years."

"Well, almost!" Madam Lu looked at Madam Cheng with a serious expression.

"Based on our friendship, I just say what I have to say. If you listen to it, think it over carefully. But you didn't listen to it. You think what I said is absurd. Just treat it as two sisters talking nonsense. Just forget about it."

Mrs. Cheng was so serious, Mrs. Lu couldn't help cheering up and asked, "What's the matter?"

"You have to promise me that today's matter is just a chat between us, no matter what the result is, it will not be spread."

"Oh, of course, I can still betray you, tell me quickly, what is it?"

Mrs. Lu looked at Mrs. Lu, she was curious, and Mrs. Cheng didn't tell her to back down, so she wasn't afraid that she would spread the word.

On the opposite side, Mrs. Cheng has already lowered her voice and said the business.

"Madam Lu, do you think there will be any changes in the influence of Madam Lu and Mr. Lu in the court after the matter of the Duke's Mansion is over?"

Mrs. Lu put her whole heart and mind into the back house, so she has no time to care about the affairs of the former court.

She said awkwardly, "What changes can there be? Haven't you heard of a promotion?"

Mrs. Cheng has long been used to her way of thinking, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

She said: "Don't you know? I've heard that because of your young mistress, many people in the court deliberately suppress Lord Lu and Mr. Lu?"

Young Mistress Lu's complexion turned pale, and the handkerchief in her hand was twisted even tighter.

Mrs. Lu looked at her, she didn't even dare to look into her eyes.

"There is such a thing?" Mrs. Lu asked Mrs. Cheng in surprise, "Then Mrs. Lin is still Mrs. Lin. Could it be that Mrs. Lin is also being excluded?"

Mrs. Cheng almost didn't realize it when she went so far all of a sudden.

After a while, she nodded again and again and said: "Isn't it? Your Master Lu, Mr. Lin, and Mr. Lin, the son of the Lin family has not yet obtained an official position. It is worse than your family."

"Oh, then..." Mrs. Lu looked at Young Madam Lu's pale face, but she didn't say anything ugly.

There are too many daughters in their family. A woman who can give birth to a son is a great hero. No matter what, she can't force the mother of her big fat grandson to death.

Besides, because of the affairs of the Duke's Mansion, she has become so low-browed and pleasing to the eye that she is almost becoming a servant.

"Then, in your opinion, what should be done about this matter?"

The Cheng family also married a lady from the Duke's Mansion as a daughter-in-law. It is said that she died of grief, but how she died, who knows.

At this time, the servants who delivered the snacks came, and Mrs. Cheng changed the topic of flowers, birds, insects and fish. After the servants retreated, she continued, "What can I do? You probably haven't noticed it yet, Your Majesty." won't let us go."

"Us?" For Mrs. Lu, she only cared about her status in the Lu family, and worried about whether she would be degraded to a concubine by her husband one day. She didn't understand other things, and she didn't bother to understand them. That's why Mrs. Cheng's words are always in the fog.

She is straightforward, so she said it straight: "Isn't your daughter-in-law dead, why isn't your home safe?"

Mrs. Cheng was no longer surprised by Mrs. Lu's out-of-the-ordinary thinking, and said: "What I said is not about the young mistresses, but that the emperor will not let our family background go. You know, the Duke's Mansion At least the three clans have to be punished for their crimes, our family and yours are all within the three clans of the Duke’s Mansion, and the most important thing is that the emperor recognizes them as the remnants of the Duke’s Mansion.”

(End of this chapter)

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