Chapter 1463 Begins
"You..." Mr. Cheng laughed again after being angry, and said, "Master Xie is right, but the current situation seems to be different from what Mr. Xie imagined. Haha, Mr. Xie, 30 years in Hedong For 30 years in Hexi, I hope you can solve your family and be loyal to the 'emperor' all the time!"

He bit the word "emperor" very hard, obviously, the emperor he was talking about was not Jin Moning.

Well, Mr. Cheng, it seems that someone took your courage.

Master Cheng laughed and turned around, pretending to go to act with the adults he had discussed with him earlier.

"My lords, I have obtained some evidence from the original case of the Duke's Mansion, which can prove that the death of Duke Hu Guo was strange. He was probably murdered by the First Prince. Those charges were also the crimes that the First Prince wanted to impose.

Duke Hu was the elder of the three dynasties, he died inexplicably, and hundreds of people in the Duke’s mansion also died unjustly. As an outsider, I really can’t stand it. The next official should use his usefulness to protect the country. On the contrary, all the souls of the Duke of Huanguo are fair, but is there anyone who is willing to plead with the emperor together with the subordinate officials? "

Someone immediately said: "That's right, Duke Protector can't die so vaguely. Your Majesty was deceived by the First Prince. We must reveal the truth to the world."

"Count me in."

"Master Cheng, count me in."

"And me, Master Cheng, and me..."

A dozen or so ministers stood up. They had discussed it earlier. Seeing so many people appearing and speaking righteously, suddenly many fools couldn't sit still and began to waver.

Lord Cheng laughed loudly, and said: "Okay, I didn't expect so many righteous people to stand up without fear of power. I'm here to thank you all on behalf of Duke Hu. Who else is willing to go with me? "

Master Cheng looked at Prime Minister Zhang, who had been silent all this time, and said, "Prime Minister Zhang, you had a good relationship with Duke Protector when he was alive, but..."

Zhang Cheng repeatedly waved his hands to stop him from continuing, and he said, "No, no, I'm old, and my family is in chaos again, so I'm powerless. Lord Cheng, my lords, I'm here to wish you all success."

Mr. Cheng showed no regrets either, he raised his hand to return the gift to Prime Minister Zhang, and said, "Thank you, Prime Minister Zhang."

Zhang Cheng smiled like a smile, and stood aside to pretend to be transparent.

He thought to himself: This court is about to be turned upside down, it seems that he has to suffer from a serious illness to escape this catastrophe, um, I will invite the imperial physician tomorrow to have a serious illness.

Both parties scolded the old fox.

Mr. Cheng triumphantly swept past Mr. Xie, Mr. Lin and other people who were only loyal to the emperor, and walked past them with those who were willing to fight for the protection of the country, and a group of people swaggered to kneel before the emperor .

Mr. Xie turned his eyes coldly, and watched them leave with cold eyes.

Xie Zhonglin whispered: "Father, what should we do now?"

Lin Xingyi sighed, and said: "As ministers, they are going to see the emperor, and no one can stop them except the emperor himself."

"But the emperor..." He lowered his voice and said, "Isn't it the emperor who is sick? If the emperor could suppress them, he would have come to court a long time ago."

"That's right!" Master Xie also sighed, "But what can I do? Master Lin is right, it is the emperor who is asking to see the emperor, and we can't stop him from seeing the emperor. And it is to protect the country and oppose such a big matter. !"

(End of this chapter)

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