Chapter 1473
Success or failure depends on one action, he hurriedly picked up the box, took the key to unlock it, and cursed: "It's fine if things are in good condition, if something goes wrong, Yan Song, hmph, ten of your heads are not enough to cut off. "

The majesty of the former imperial eunuch was fully revealed in front of Eunuch Wan, he opened the box without hesitation, Yan Song was gradually relieved.

Seems to be overthinking it.

A box full of books was a bit messy, and Eunuch Wan arranged them neatly in front of Yan Song, and then closed the lid again.

Eunuch Wan said unhappily: "You can still fall while walking, General Yan, the miscellaneous family sees that you are very weak, should you go to an imperial doctor to show you, how can you do things for the emperor like you?"

General Yan narrowed his cold eyes slightly, cupped his hands and said: "Eunuch Wan has taught you a good lesson, and please ask Eunuch Wan to speak kindly in front of the emperor as a subordinate official."

"Let's talk about it after finishing the errand."

Eunuch Wan snorted coldly, and carried the box into Renshou Palace.

It wasn't until entering the palace gate that Eunuch Wan broke out in a cold sweat, as if he had collapsed, he threw the box on the ground, panting heavily.

Aunt Li hurried forward and asked, "Eunuch Wan, what's wrong?"

Mr. Wan said: "I'm old, and I'm short of breath when I move a box. Come, please ask Aunt Li to help."

Eunuch Wan can be considered a person who can withstand strong winds and waves, but the scene of Yan Song's cunning just now still shocked him.

He can guarantee that Yan Song would never let him go if he didn't quickly open the box to check the things.

Eunuch Wan and Aunt Li carried the box into the inner room together, he opened the box again, and took out the small box from the innermost side of the box.

"Your Majesty, can you see if this is what you want?"

The emperor lay on the bed and took a look, said: "Yes, this is it."

Eunuch Wan hurriedly picked it up and handed the small box into the hands of the emperor.

The emperor gave the box to the Empress Dowager, and said: "The Empress Dowager can find an open place to open this box when it is in danger, and it must be put away. Don't...cough cough cough... don't be taken away by others."

The queen mother didn't know what it was, but seeing the emperor's seriousness, she became serious, took the box, nodded seriously, and said: "The Ai family will definitely keep it for you, the emperor don't think about it, take good care of yourself It is."

The emperor turned his head again and asked Eunuch Wan: "Wan Decheng, what about the other two things."

Eunuch Wan's face was pale, and his old face was wrinkled in one place.

It stands to reason that this matter cannot be told to the emperor, the emperor can no longer stand the excitement.

But such a big matter, he dare not hide it from the emperor.

Regardless of the fact that the emperor was ill first, the people in this room all depended on the emperor.

He is their backbone, what should they do if they don't tell him?
"Wan Decheng, say it!" The emperor said a little angrily, which made him cough for a while.

Eunuch Wan knelt down on the ground with a plop, lowered his voice as much as he could and sobbed: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, we must not be angry after hearing this. The imperial doctor said, you can no longer worry about it, and you can no longer be angry..."

"Tell me!" The emperor said weakly, "Is there any blow in my life that I haven't suffered? What else can knock me down, just say it!"

Eunuch Wan only felt that the emperor at this time was really pitiful. He was obviously the noblest of the ninety-five years. When he was doing well, those people would fawn over him in every possible way. Who would dare to do anything to him?Once he was sick, he would be surrounded by these servants.

And those people, I am afraid that they are eager to hear the bad news about Emperor Bintian!

(End of this chapter)

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