Chapter 1475 They are too crazy

Mrs. Lin: "...Then go quickly, it's a dead word if they catch you! Sigh! What exactly is uncle thinking?"

Jin Tianzhong felt that he couldn't keep laughing anymore, he laughed and said, "Cousin, how long has it been since you went out? Why do I think you are still alive in the days when our house was ransacked?"

Mrs. Lin was startled, and stared at him blankly.

Jin Tianzhong laughed loudly and said: "You, alas! Now the outside world has changed and you don't know. My father..."

Speaking of his father and the people in the Duke's Mansion, Jin Tianzhong's voice suddenly choked up.

He looked up at the roof, and he forcibly suppressed the tears. He smiled and said, "Hundreds of people in our family have died, and my grandfather died for no reason. Not long after my father heard the news, he didn't... ...Going too! Now that the Beiping army is in the hands of the eldest brother, the eldest brother swears that he will never live, and must avenge the hundreds of people in the Duke's Mansion."

Jin Tianzhong's father was an old man in his 60s. When he heard the bad news from the Duke's Mansion, he couldn't stand it. He fainted on the spot, and then fell seriously ill.

Madam Lin also lowered her head and sighed deeply, her eyes became moist.

She whispered: "How could this be? Why did you live a good life like that? Tianzhong, can't everyone live a good life? Why does grandfather have to have such thoughts?
Jin Wei and King Jin are good children, they all respect their grandfather very much, why do you treat them like that?And my daughter, you know, I have only one daughter in my life, I don't expect her to bring me any glory and wealth, I just want her to live well, why did my grandfather treat them like that?I……"

Mrs. Lin pointed to her throbbing heart and said, "Whenever I think of those things, I feel terribly sad, here...the pain here..."

"Cousin!" Jin Tianzhong stopped his thoughts and his face sank, he said: "Cousin, listen to what you mean, are you blaming grandpa?"

Mrs. Lin: "..."

"Hmph, don't forget, without grandfather, there would be no descendants like us. He gave us not only a life, but also a lifetime of glory and wealth. How can you blame grandfather?"

"But..." Mrs. Lin felt that what he said was right and wrong, she said anxiously: "But you can't count the children like that!"

Jin Tianzhong said indifferently: "As a member of our family, we should be prepared to sacrifice for the family at any time. Otherwise, how can we maintain such a big family?"

Hearing these words, Mrs. Lin was so angry that she almost fainted.

What does it mean to sacrifice for the family at any time?Why?Besides, her Qianqing is from the Lin family, and she doesn't trust Jin.

She said angrily: "I don't agree with what you say. My daughter is the one who is plotting against you. Why don't you push your daughter out."

"Cousin!" Jin Tianzhong was also very angry, and said: "My daughter and Jin Wei are cousins. If she can be the princess of Jin, can she still be your daughter? Besides, how can it be called sacrifice? The sacrifice is just That's all for Jin Xiaoran and Jin Wei, no matter whose offspring is born in her belly, it will be the future emperor, she will be the queen mother, and her life will be extremely honorable!"

"Absurd, thank you for saying such a thing!" Mrs. Lin's three views have been completely subverted. She has always been worried about the destruction of the Duke's Mansion, but now that she heard Jin Tianzhong's words, she suddenly felt that they It really deserves it to be wiped out collectively.

(End of this chapter)

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