Chapter 1481 The Queen Mother

Yan Song went on to say: "The beggars in Jinxiu City rioted and robbed countless merchants. The merchants found Xiao Jinfei, and he is now at a loss. But..."

"But what?" Jin Tianzhong's eyes sank.

Yan Song hurriedly said: "Xiao Jinfei has some thunderous tricks, and immediately ordered to kill all the beggars making trouble in Jinxiu City. Now he is probably gathering a team to go to Beijing to escort him at any time!"

"I'm not afraid of that!" Jin Tianzhong said: "If he dares to lead troops into Beijing without an imperial decree, you can completely suppress him as a traitor!"

"It's just a bloodbath!" Yan Song frowned.

Jin Tianzhong raised his eyebrows and said: "I know that General Yan has a benevolent heart and doesn't want the soldiers to bleed to death, but when it is absolutely necessary, we must do so."

Yan Song nodded lightly and said, "Your official understands."

"Yeah!" Jin Tianzhong nodded in satisfaction, and then asked, "Where's Jin Xuyao?"

"Little Huangsun..." Yan Song became embarrassed, bowed and said: "I didn't expect Concubine Sheng to be so powerful. Under heavy siege, she forced someone to send Xiao Huangsun out. At this time, she should be on her way to Xining." On the way, Xiaguan has already sent people to chase after him."

"Concubine Sheng Gui was born as a maid, so she has such abilities?" Jin Tianzhong stopped in his tracks with a look of surprise.

Yan Song cupped his hands and said, "Concubine Sheng stands out in the harem by virtue of her status as a maid. She has won the favor of the emperor for more than 20 years and has not fallen. Even the empress has suffered a lot in front of her. She is by no means comparable to ordinary maids. General , look..."

Jin Tianzhong squinted his eyes, thinking that Jin Yushu had defeated all those who were qualified to compete with her during the period of complete victory, but failed to take advantage of Concubine Sheng, and he thought that this woman really has something extraordinary.

It seemed that he had to meet this woman.

"Forget it, let's go see the emperor first!"

It was tacit understanding who was sick.

So when Jin Tianzhong and the others came, it was not surprising that the person lying on the bed was the emperor, while the queen mother who was rumored to be terminally ill was sitting aside.

Bad news came one after another, and the emperor's condition became much worse, and now he needed help even to sit up, let alone stand up and walk around.

He opened his eyes and glanced at the person who came in, then closed them again.

Jin Tianzhong laughed softly: "Your Majesty, I have come to pay my respects to the Emperor."

Aunt Li supported the queen mother, and the queen mother tightly held Aunt Li's hand in anger.

The emperor did not respond to Jin Tianzhong, he chuckled and turned to face the queen mother.

"Queen Mother, I heard that you are ill. It seems that you are in good health now, right? The emperor waited on you day and night, and now you are ill, hahaha..."

"It's unacceptable for you to do outrageous and immoral things. God will accept you sooner or later!" The Queen Mother scolded angrily.

Jin Tianzhong smiled proudly, "I don't know if God will accept him, but I know that God will accept the emperor soon, haha!"

"You... shut up!" The queen mother raised her crutches and hit Jin Tianzhong.

Jin Tianzhong grabbed the crutch and threw it out of the window.

He snorted coldly: "I respect you as a queen mother because of your age. You are just an old servant, do you think you are really a queen mother? Huh, old man, don't forget your identity!"

The Queen Mother was so angry that she almost fainted.

Since the emperor ascended the throne, who would dare to speak to her like that?Who dares to mention her identity as a servant?After being a queen mother for many years, this is the first time she has seen someone treat her like this.

(End of this chapter)

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