Chapter 1484 King Jin is not here
After finishing writing, Xing hurriedly picked it up and said to the emperor: "With this imperial decree, the Duke's mansion will be wronged and redressed. All of this was done by Jin Zijin. He has planned for the throne for a long time. Duke's Mansion, kill Duke Hu, he deserves to die!"

This is a criminal charge against Jin Zijin who is wanted all over the country. With it, as soon as Jin Zijin comes back, he can be arrested in a fair manner and even executed on the spot.

Jin Tianzhong proudly held the imperial decree written by himself and waved it in front of the emperor's eyes.

The emperor's heart was as calm as water, and he didn't react much. This made him feel that he had hit the cotton with his fist, and he didn't have much sense of accomplishment.

It frightened the Queen Mother and Eunuch Wan very much.

The queen mother said angrily: "You don't want to blame Zijin. The world is not a fool. They know what the truth is. You will not succeed."

Jin Tianzhong snorted coldly: "The truth? Only the victors are qualified to tell the truth, so don't bother the Queen Mother."

Everything is ready, counting the time, Yan Song will bring King Jin back from the clan mansion.

He told the people around him: "Let all the ministers come into the palace and tell them that the emperor has spent so much time sleeping and forgetting to eat and drink in order to take care of the empress dowager. His body can't bear the illness. The emperor is powerless to govern, but he has something important to announce to everyone!"

With the winning ticket in hand, Jin Tianzhong tidied up his clothes triumphantly, and glanced at the emperor, the queen mother and others.

He smiled again: "Your Majesty, you are so ill, it is reasonable to say that the humble minister cannot disturb your recovery, but now is an extraordinary period, and I can only wrong the Emperor, and I hope the Emperor can cooperate well and go out in person to explain the situation to everyone .”

After he finished speaking, he ordered in a self-contained manner, "I need to trouble all the aunts to change the emperor's clothes and the queen mother's clothes!"

The queen mother cursed, but seeing the emperor who was like a puppet, she was helpless.

The emperor has accepted his fate, what can she do?
The empress dowager was served by the maids and put on brocade clothes, dressed up neatly, and then helped out of the Renshou Palace by the maids and eunuchs.

Because of the emperor's health, this court will not go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and the chair will be moved directly to the emperor and empress dowager, and it will be done in the courtyard outside Renshou Palace.

The ministers who had been waiting at the palace gate lined up and entered the palace. When the emperor took his seat, they had already stood upright.

What surprised Jin Tianzhong was that Yan Song, who had been away for a long time, hadn't come back yet, did he encounter trouble in the Guardian's Mansion?

He is the commander of the military, he received the emperor's order to pick up people, who would dare to stop him?
"Come here, go and see what's going on with Yan Song? Why haven't you brought His Royal Highness King Jin here yet?"

Eunuch Wan stood behind the emperor and looked at him like a clown.

In other words, Jiang is still old and spicy. You can count the heavens and the earth, but the emperor secretly let King Jin go away long ago.

It depends on how you end up without the key figure King Jin.

Eunuch Wan smiled triumphantly.

On the other side, Yan Song has already returned, with a dark face the whole time, and the guards behind him are still grabbing several people from the clan mansion.

"Where's King Jin?" Seeing the situation, Jin Tianzhong knew something was wrong.

Yan Song cupped his hands and said: "General, His Royal Highness King Jin is not in the clan's residence."

"Not here?"

The faces of the courtiers changed drastically, and they whispered in the audience.

"Not here? Where did he go?" Jin Tianzhong grabbed Yan Song's collar, his face was extremely ugly.

Yan Song turned his attention to the kneeling guard of the clan mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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