It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1487 The jade seal is also fake

Chapter 1487 The jade seal is also fake
Jin Tianzhong held up the imperial decree and said to the officials: "This is the imperial decree promulgated by the emperor himself, pass it down and have a look!"

Everyone took the imperial decree to read one by one, and each of them had a strange expression after reading it.

The Duke's Mansion has become full of loyalists?Framed by the eldest prince Jin Zijin?
I don't know if the Duke's Mansion was framed by the Eldest Prince, but just now you Jin Tianzhong's sword against the Emperor was clearly seen by everyone. This is called loyalty, so how can it be considered disloyal?

Do you think everyone is a fool?

Now many people began to regret it, they seem to have really boarded the thief ship.

In fact, there are only a few people here who share the honor and disgrace with the Duke of the State, and there is no turning back. Most of the ministers and workers are forced to come here, and some of them are the Jinwang Party that supported the King of Jin before. It's okay to let them support King Jin.

But they are just ordinary factions. It is normal for the emperor to pass the throne to the king of Jin, but you, Jin Tianzhong, threatened the emperor with a sword, and it is wrong to pass the throne to the adopted son of the king of Jin, right?
As for this imperial decree that obviously did not come from the hand of the emperor, they were even more speechless.

At this time, someone suddenly said: "The jade seal is fake, general, it's fine if the imperial decree is not written by the emperor himself, I'm afraid you won't be able to fool me with a fake jade seal?"

"What?" Jin Tianzhong strode forward, took the imperial decree, and said with wide-eyed eyes: "Fake? How could it be fake? It was covered by the general himself."

As a military general who has been out of town all year round, he has few opportunities to come into contact with imperial edicts printed with jade seals, so he can't tell the truth from the fake.

Master Cheng boldly looked at it and said: "General, this... this is really fake, it's really not that big..."

Everyone said it was fake, Jin Tianzhong's eyes were about to burst into flames.

Just say why the old emperor is so easy to talk, Yuxi handed it over as soon as he said it, so he gave him a fake one?
Jin Tianzhong slammed the imperial edict angrily with his scarlet eyes, and strode towards the emperor.

An old man of the emperor who was seriously ill and dying was lifted from the dragon chair by Jin Tianzhong. His scarlet eyes were like a beast emitting danger signals. He gritted his teeth and said sharply: "You did it, right? Gu Yi Give me a fake jade seal, and let King Jin out generously. In fact, you already know that there is no King Jin in the clan mansion, right? Tell me, where is King Jin?"

The queen mother exclaimed, and shouted: "What are you doing? You are all just looking at what you are doing, how dare you disrespect the emperor..."

The queen mother wanted to stand up, but was pressed back by the guards.

The entire imperial palace, and even the entire capital city are under the control of Jin Tianzhong, who can do anything to him?
Faced with such a situation, those ministers could only turn a deaf ear and become deaf and dumb!
Jin Tianzhong stared at the emperor viciously, and the emperor smiled calmly, which was a bit weird.

He said: "What are you talking about? How can my things be fake? I..."

"An old man dares to speak harshly..." Jin Tianzhong threw the emperor to the ground and stopped him from speaking.

Everyone exclaimed, but the emperor who fell on the ground began to twitch violently after a while, and vomited continuously.Everyone knew that the emperor was seriously ill, and they were all very frightened.

"Hurry up, call the imperial physician!" Yan Song was the first to react, and hurriedly sent someone to call the imperial physician.

Jin Tianzhong was also stunned, and said, "What... what is he doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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