It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1489 It's all related households, so angry

Chapter 1489 It's all related households, so angry

He froze for a moment, stood up shaking his body, and said, "Is this fake? What about the real thing?"

Jin Tianzhong said angrily: "I am asking you, where is the real jade seal?"

Eunuch Wan shook his head like a rattle, as if he hadn't turned his head around yet, and still didn't believe that the jade seal was fake.

His complexion suddenly darkened, and he said: "The jade seal given to me by the emperor cannot be fake, is it because of your wolf ambition that you secretly exchanged the real jade seal given to me by the miscellaneous family."

Jin Tianzhong was stunned on the spot.

Change?He couldn't wait to exchange his jade seal for what?Is he crazy?

This damned old eunuch doesn't know from his appearance.

Jin Tianzhong was so angry that he slapped Eunuch Wan across the face, and Eunuch Wan passed out completely.

Only then did they know what riding a tiger is difficult to get off.

Jin Tianzhong knew very well that his elder brother had already led the Beiping army to the capital. The original plan was that he would control the situation in the palace and allow King Jin to become the prince or emperor smoothly. banner.

But now?The emperor suffered a stroke, and King Jin, who was supposed to stay in the clan's mansion, disappeared and lied to everyone, so without the intention of the emperor or the crown prince, Jin Tianyuan led the army into Beijing because he came out of nowhere.

Either way...

"Hahaha..." Jin Tianzhong laughed out loud.

Well, if this is the case, then there is only one tough battle left.

If you lose, you will die at worst.

If he wins, the world belongs to the eldest brother, so what if he robbed him of Jin Moning's throne?If it wasn't for the Duke's Mansion back then, how could Jin Moning have become the emperor?
They just took out the world that originally belonged to them from him.

Jin Tianzhong looked up to the sky and laughed so strangely that everyone was shocked. You look at you and I look at mine. They, the helpless ministers, can only watch the show on the side.

After laughing wildly, Jin Tianzhong did a series of even crazier things.

He ordered the concubines who were under house arrest to be pulled out.

He casually grabbed a young and beautiful concubine and threw it in front of the emperor, saying: "Have you had a stroke? Do you really trust her?"

The emperor squinted at him, babbling.

Jin Tianzhong laughed and said: "It seems that the brain is still clear, haha, dare to play tricks on me, let's see how I make your life worse than death!"

He drew out the knife and picked up the concubine's clothes with one knife, and a bloodstain was drawn on her body.

The woman yelled loudly in pain, calling for the emperor to save her life.

But the emperor is in danger of protecting himself, so how can he save her?

At this time, an old man came out from among the ministers, knelt down and said loudly: "General, please raise your hand high and let Concubine Jin go..."

"Hmm...?" He was a foreign general who had been in Peiping for many years, and he didn't know all the ministers.

Only to hear that concubine Jin wailed, crying and calling out to her father.

Jin Tianzhong was stunned for a moment, then angrily pushed Concubine Jin aside.

Since she is the daughter of our minister, let her go.

He caught another concubine, who behaved well, instead of begging the emperor who was like a living dead, but cried loudly and called elder brother in the crowd.

Master Xu came out and hurriedly said to Jin Tianzhong: "General, no, no, this is the lower official's own sister, and the lower official is loyal to the general, please also learn from the general!"

Jin Tianzhong: "..."

Master Cheng, who was the worst, couldn't stand it anymore, so he hurriedly came out and explained: "General, all the ladies in the palaces are the daughters-in-law sent into the palace by the big families. Please... please, the general, don't anger them!"

(End of this chapter)

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