Chapter 1491 Siege
Jin Zijin and his party had already approached the imperial city, and they also came with the fastest team of Qingqi led by Xiao Jinyan.

Xining is sparsely populated, and there are bandits making trouble. There are not many vanguards that can be dispatched as soon as possible, and the army behind has not arrived so quickly.

"I hope it comes in a hurry!"

Xiao Jinyan said: "After I got the news, I brought these people out immediately. Cousin, when did you get the news?"

Yue Rujing took over the words: "We also came as soon as we got the news. We heard that the emperor was seriously ill. We originally took Gu Youyou with us. Later, we were afraid that we were not in a hurry, so we had to leave first. behind."

Yixi sighed softly: "I was going to pick up Master, but I didn't expect that I would come back first."

The west gate of the city is being attacked by Xiao Jinfei. The structure of the capital is easy to defend but difficult to attack. How can the capital of a big country be so easy to attack?Besides, Xiao Jinfei knew very well that Jin Tianyuan's army was coming soon, if he couldn't break through a gate in the imperial city before Jin Tianyuan's army arrived, he would be attacked on both sides.

This day is a nightmare for the people.

There was no one on the street, everyone shut their doors tightly, and all the family members stayed together with weapons that could kill the enemy at home. If anyone dared to enter the house to kill and steal goods, they would fight with kitchen knives.

The imperial city was dark, except for a few city gates which were bustling with activity, the other places were as quiet as a deserted ghost town.

"Hurry up, we must attack as soon as possible!" Xiao Jinfei yelled loudly on his horse.

The archers behind took cover and shot swords at the city wall in rows.

Dozens of soldiers carried a thick log and sang in unison, pushing it towards the city gate.

"one two Three……"

"Come again!"

The leader of the guards on the city wall raised his knife and shouted: "Hurry up, throw stones and let go of swords!"

Xiao Jinfei took over a large bow from his subordinates, and took over the arrow feathers.

At such a distance, ordinary bows and arrows are difficult to shoot, and only this kind of big bow that uses both hands and feet can be shot.

He aimed at the man on the city wall, filled the bow with his foot, and let the arrow go!

A sword with thicker arrow feathers shot out, hitting the man's chest.

There was applause among the soldiers attacking the city under the city wall.

"Report!" In the distance, there was a Qingqi running towards Xiao Jinfei at high speed.

The face of the visitor was full of joy, and he said loudly: "Master Jinyan is back, and the eldest prince will be here soon!"

Xiao Jinfei was overjoyed. He turned his horse's head and saw dust rising from the hillside in the distance. Looking from afar, it was exactly the clothes of his own soldiers.

The helpers came first, and the morale of the besieging soldiers was high again.

"Hi! Brother..."

The people on the city wall just died a commander, and another one came up.

When they saw that the other party came to rescue the soldiers again, they became more and more flustered.

"Quickly, go inform the general and go to the north and south gates to borrow troops."

The soldiers who received the order rode fast horses to the north and south gates closer to each other.

Jin Zijin and others have already arrived at the city, and they will not be given another chance.

Under the cover of Yue Rujin and Xiao Jinyan, Jin Zijin escaped batches of arrow feathers and falling rocks shot down from the city wall.

Approaching the city gate, he pulled out the bright red dagger.

Another light leap, and after reaching a certain height, he inserted the dagger into the solid city wall.

With the hardness of the city wall, it was cut open like a potato by that special dagger.

(End of this chapter)

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