It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1494 The life-saving charm for the queen mother

Chapter 1494 The life-saving charm for the queen mother

"Yes!" Mrs. Lin cried, "I thought that if you marry a chicken, you will marry a dog. Since she has identified King Jin, it's good to let him go. It's a lifetime to be locked up in King Jin's mansion. It's also a lifetime in the clan's mansion, as long as she doesn't regret it, but she doesn't want...but she doesn't want to be in the clan's mansion anymore..."

She looked at the apoplexy emperor and said: "The emperor has become like this now, who else knows their whereabouts? They still don't know if they are alive or not. I am just such a daughter. If I die in the future, even a mourner There are no people, my life is so miserable..."

Jin Tianzhong finally realized that it was a mistake to bring Lin Xingyi and his wife here.

Now the two are hugging their heads in pain, and the quarrel makes one head and two big.

If it weren't for the fact that there were not many relatives left, and the elder brother had explained that they must be kept safe, he thought he would be unable to control himself and cut her down with a knife.

There is no useful news from Lin Xingyi and his wife. Concubine Sheng is dead and the emperor is insane. It is impossible for ordinary concubines in the palace to know such important news. Queen Mother left?
"The Queen Mother..." Jin Tianzhong walked towards the dying old woman step by step. Seeing the corpse on the ground, the Queen Mother was already terrified of Jin Tianzhong.

Seeing him walking towards her, she grabbed Aunt Li's hand even more.

"Queen Mother, don't be afraid, ah..." Jin Tianzhong grabbed Aunt Li before she could finish her sentence, and threw her out.

The queen mother's legs are not good, she has no crutches, no one to support her, she can't even stand up, she can only helplessly watch Jin Tianzhong walking towards her with a bloody knife.

"You... what are you going to do? Aijia doesn't know anything!"

The queen mother was in a panic, holding the life-saving talisman given to her by the emperor in her hand.

The emperor said that when it is absolutely necessary to open it, isn't it the time of last resort?
She took out the small box from her sleeve in a panic, and Jin Tianzhong grabbed it with sharp eyes.

"what is this?"

The Queen Mother was startled suddenly, and shouted: "Give it back to me..."

Jin Tianzhong watched the Queen Mother's expression, and seeing her so nervous, he felt that this must be an important treasure.

A small box the size of a palm, could it be... Jin Tianzhong widened his eyes and laughed loudly: "Could this be the long-lost sacred object of the Zhuzhao Kingdom, the Sun Candlelight?"

The queen mother didn't know what it was, but after hearing what Jin Tianzhong said, she thought it was possible.

Oh my god, if it was really the sun and candles, the emperor gave her such an important thing, but she was snatched away by Jin Tianzhong before she even took a quick look, then she would die without saying goodbye to the family of the Jin family Ancestors...

"Haha, it must be, it must be, with it, what jade seal do I need? The person who owns the sun candle is the king of the candle country, what do I need the jade seal for? Hahaha..."

Everyone stared at the box in Jin Tianzhong's hand, thinking that if the sun candle was really in that box, coupled with Jin Tianzhong's brothers' forceful suppression, they would proclaim themselves emperor, and no one would dare to say anything.

Jin Tianzhong laughed loudly. He believed that the thing treasured by the queen mother was the legendary long-lost Zhuzhaozhu. He laughed and opened the box while holding it high...

With a whoosh sound, at the moment the box was opened, something in the box suddenly flew into the sky.

Everyone craned their necks to see what flew out of the box.

(End of this chapter)

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