Chapter 1499 Gu Youyou is back
And Jin Zijin's dagger knocked away the knife in Jin Tianzhong's hand, cutting it into two pieces.

Yue Rujing's soft sword left a shallow wound on Jin Tianzhong's neck.

At this moment, everyone present held their breath.

There was a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, and Jin Tianzhong looked down at his abdomen.

When the small, sharp knife was pulled out, blood flowed profusely from his abdomen.

"You... are you... pretending?"

The next second, his head suddenly tilted to the side in a strange posture, and he completely lost his breath.

It was only then that everyone discovered that Yue Rujing's sword looked like a shallow wound, but in fact he had already cut off half of his head!
Jin Tianzhong's legs gave way, and he knelt on the ground with his head half on his shoulders, but his body did not fall down.

This is really scary.

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, especially those concubines in the harem, who had seen dead people, but never seen such terrifying dead people.

Only Jin Zijin who retracted the dagger looked at him indifferently, and said, "Kneeling is also death!"


In this battle, the streets and ends of the capital were piled with corpses and blood.

The common people came out of their yards and joined in the clean-up work one after another.

A large number of corpses were thrown to the outskirts of the capital, or burned, or buried in mass graves dug.

For ten days in a row, the cries of women, children and the elderly could be heard from time to time, and from time to time, yellow paper blown by the wind could be seen on the street.

That is the paper money used by the living to commemorate the dead.

In the end, a heavy rain washed away all the blood and drowned all the crying, so that they could never light the yellow paper again...

Ten days later, Gu Youyou arrived, dragged her tired body into the gate of the capital, was picked up from the horse by the oncoming man, and stuffed into the carriage that had been prepared earlier.

"Zijin? How's it going?"

While pouring water for her, Jin Zijin said softly: "The rebellion is over, but the father is really dead!"

Gu Youyou froze for a moment, looked at him, only to find that his face was a bit haggard.

This was the first time that Jin Zijin called the emperor Father Emperor in front of her. In the past, he only called him that way in public situations that could not be erased. In private, he always called him the old man, or the emperor.

Thinking about the emperor's illness, the knot between father and son was also untied.

The carriage was driving towards the palace quickly, and Xiaomei Duan, who was riding a horse behind her, who was about to collapse, shouted loudly: "Hey, wait, there is still me..."

Gu Youyou was faster than her on horseback and had better stamina than her, which made her very shocked.

As soon as he entered the city, someone personally carried him off the horse, and she didn't even see a ghost, which made her feel aggrieved.

Duan Xiaomei got off the horse, her legs were trembling while standing on the ground.

At this moment, a young sergeant came to her and said, "Is this Miss Duan?"

Duan Xiaomei nodded slightly while leaning on the horse's back.

The young sergeant said to her with joy on his face, "Miss Duan, please come with me."

"Going with you?" Duan Xiaomei stood up straight, looked at the man, and asked, "Who are you?"

The sergeant explained: "This is the eldest prince's arrangement. The eldest prince and concubine have entered the palace. You should go to the mansion and wait for them first!"

Duan Xiaomei is very tired now, and she doesn't have the energy to ask the reason, so she can only follow the young sergeant to live in the First Prince's mansion, waiting for them.

On the way, Jin Zijin told Gu Youyou about the rebellion and the emperor's condition.

(End of this chapter)

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