Chapter 1513 Have a good talk

"Huh?" Only then did Jin Zijin understand why she was so abnormal last night.

"You still want to have a baby?"

"It's natural!" Gu Youyou said with a smile: "I counted the days, these days are good days for pregnancy!"

Jin Zijin couldn't help but smile, and said: "It seems that I have to work harder these few days, let's go, go out and eat something, I'm afraid you won't be strong enough!"

"Hate it, why didn't you say you were exhausted?"

"Then who was begging for mercy last night?"

Gu Youyou: "..."

Xiang Toon has been guarding the courtyard door, and when she heard the commotion inside, she didn't care about other things, so she hurriedly opened the courtyard door and entered.

Gu Youyou frowned and said, "Xiang Toon, what made you panic? You have forgotten all the rules!"

Gu Youyou had the same problem in her two lifetimes. She didn't like other people to appear in her private bedroom without her permission. Due to the poor sound insulation in ancient times and the large private space, it gradually extended to the entire courtyard.

Xiang Toon thought that the emperor was still waiting for them, and didn't care about other things, so he said: "The emperor is here, early in the morning, and he has been waiting for a long time."

"Ah...?" Gu Youyou was stunned, "Why didn't you call me earlier?"

"I..." Xiangchun said: "I think so too. The emperor's coming is a big event, and I will definitely come to call you. But the emperor stopped the servants, saying that he would not call you, and only let the servants wait outside."

This... Gu Youyou looked at Jin Zijin in embarrassment, and stretched out her hand to push him.

Jin Zijin didn't look very well, so he walked out of the yard with a sullen face.

"It's already here, can't we see you?" Gu Youyou held his forehead, thinking this is too coincidental, right?She usually doesn't sleep in late, so she just slept in for a day and was caught.

After saying that, she also hurriedly followed.

Sleeping until the sun was three poles before going out of the yard to meet the emperor, the atmosphere in the flower hall was very embarrassing.

Gu Youyou greeted the emperor honestly, and after receiving the seat, she sat on the stool next to her with some embarrassment.

Smart people don't beat around the bush when they speak, the emperor said directly: "You know what I mean!"

"Well, I know!" Jin Zijin said, "I also know what I mean."

The atmosphere was a bit dignified, Gu Youyou called Jin Xuyao ​​over, and took her to leave.

It's better to let them discuss this kind of thing by themselves.

Xiang Toon was so scared that he was sweating profusely, seeing Gu Youyou coming out, he hurriedly asked, "Why did the emperor come so early in the morning?"

Gu Youyou usually treats them better, but sometimes he is bolder.

Gu Youyou had no choice but to say with a sullen face: "You send someone to bring some tea in, don't inquire about what you shouldn't!"

"Oh, servant girl, let's go!"

In the flower hall, the emperor waved all the people around him to retreat, leaving only him and Jin Zijin in the room.

Looking at the eldest son sitting upright like a pine, the emperor felt a sense of powerlessness.

He can control anyone in the world, and if he is disobedient, he will try his best to get rid of him, but he has nothing to do with Jin Zijin.

"Do you still hate me?"

Jin Zijin said lightly: "Life is short for a few decades, I don't have the time to bear grudges with one person, you think too much."

"Then tell me, why don't you want to be a prince or an emperor?"

"Everyone has his own aspirations. Just because you like being an emperor doesn't mean I like it too!"

"But there is no one in the world who does not want to be an emperor!" The emperor's voice was a little higher, and he seemed a little excited.

Jin Zijin still said lightly: "Then you can find someone who is willing to do it, and this person is not me!"

(End of this chapter)

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