Chapter 1556 Is it a liar?
"Why are you looking for me so urgently? It's dark and you are not willing to leave?"

If there is no urgent matter, Miss Du will not wait until dark.

"You are back. I heard that you went to Lin's house with Mr. Lin in the morning, and you have stayed until now?"

"Isn't it?" Gu Youyou said: "My grandmother was very anxious and insisted that I ask the Tao family's meaning as soon as possible. It's not good for me to ask like this, and it is easy to put pressure on others. You and Mrs. Tao are more familiar. Or you can ask in private."

Miss Du said anxiously: "Oh, when is this, are you still in the mood to take care of other people's marriages? You should take care of yourself first!"

Gu Youyou was stunned for a moment, and said, "What do you mean?"

If something serious hadn't happened, Miss Du wouldn't have waited for her until dark!

Thinking of this, Gu Youyou couldn't help but thump in her heart.

Miss Du said: "I have a silk and satin shop on West Street. The shopkeeper of that shop sent me a letter today, saying that he heard some women secretly discussing some things in his shop. I'm sorry for you. some good things."

"What?" Hearing what she said, Gu Youyou suddenly thought of something, but calmed down.

With her reputation, who would speak ill of her behind her back?She can point out people who can say bad things about her with her eyes closed.

After all, you can't hold your breath and start to act, right?
The corner of Gu Youyou's mouth curled slightly, which seemed to be a bit playful.

"The things they said are really not good for you." Miss Du asked with some concern: "I heard that you and His Highness Prince Ning were married in the early years, in your hometown, Lianhua Village, isn't it?"

It was exactly as she expected!Gu Youyou's face darkened, and she said, "Then what do they say?"

Gu Wu was the only one who could spread the news.

Since Prime Minister Zhang took him in, he must have taken a fancy to some value in him, knowing her past is also a kind of value, but so what?Hmph, their calculations were really wrong.

"The one who caused the most trouble was a woman whose husband's family name was Chen. When King Ning was choosing a concubine, she said that her daughter also participated. After I came out, I bought a piece of clothing in our Manxiu building. They said that since the selection of the concubine by Prince Ning was actually a cover, the real Concubine Ning had already been appointed by default. To scam them out of their money."

Gu Youyou is speechless, she admits that she made a fortune when she was popular in the palace, and held a new product launch conference in the imperial garden of the palace, but what does it matter to her to induce people to consume?

If she guessed correctly, her daughter must have failed to qualify for the election, right?

Just filling out the registration form is not something that girls from ordinary families can do, because girls from ordinary families in this era can't even write their own names, so she still has to choose a fart.

Gu Youyou pondered for a moment, and said: "It's just that he was bribed. I knew that Gu Wu came to the capital and found a moth. He should have been killed a long time ago."

Gu Youyou's words shocked Miss Du. She didn't know the story of Gu's family, she only knew that Gu Wu was Gu Youyou's uncle, who had done some wrong things in the past and even went to jail.

Gu Youyou sneered and said: "What he committed was a capital crime. At the beginning, I thought it would not be worthwhile to kill him like that. I wanted to lock him up for a few more years, but I didn't expect that there was a flood in Qingshui Town that year."

(End of this chapter)

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