Chapter 1616

"It's nothing but, Brother Gu, you can't stay with me all the time, can you?"

Gu Wu originally wanted to say that Gu Youyou didn't recognize him yet, but was stopped by Prime Minister Zhang.

Moreover, Prime Minister Zhang's face sank to me this time, and his smile was also slightly weird.

Gu Wu suddenly realized that his good days in the Zhang Mansion were over.But it doesn't matter, since he became a beggar, he lost his face.

If Gu Youyou couldn't take him in, he would go to Erya and Sanbao, if Erya and Sanbao didn't want him either, he would sit outside their Yuzhuang and beg for food.

Gu Wu knew his sons and daughters too well, but they were too embarrassed to let him beg for food at the door.

He had already thought out a way out for himself, so he really dared to be confident.

"Okay, it's all up to Xiang Ye's arrangement." Gu Wu said.

Then he thought again: "My Shuisheng..."

It doesn't matter if he goes out to beg for food by himself, but he doesn't want Gu Shuisheng to follow him to beg for food.

Gu Shuisheng is not an ordinary person, he has already seen it.

He is a man of love, righteousness, and knowledge, Gu Wu hoped that he could obtain fame in the examination, this is also his last backstage.

Prime Minister Zhang smiled and said: "Don't worry, Shuisheng is now my student. He will continue to live in my residence, waiting for the results of the scientific examination. If he fails the examination this time, I will not drive him away. I think this child is a He is a talented person, if he didn't pass the exam this time, let him stay with me, read the book carefully, and take the exam next time."

So Gu Wu was relieved, he cupped his hands to Prime Minister Zhang and said: "Thank you Prime Minister for your hospitality these days, I will leave tomorrow morning."

"Well, Brother Gu is much more knowledgeable than when he came here." Zhang Cheng said with a similar smile.


On the second day, Prime Minister Zhang took Gu Wu to Prince Ning's residence while sitting in the carriage.

He handed over a post to the concierge, asking to meet Princess Ning.

Several people in the concierge looked around, and said in embarrassment: "Master Xiang, is this not good? Our prince is not at home, and the princess is at home..."

Prime Minister Zhang smiled and said: "I know your princess is in charge, so send it in."

Anyway, Prime Minister Zhang is also a first-rank member.Even if he is not allowed to go in, the concubine has to come forward to refuse. These little people like them cannot refuse, so they have to send him a post first. As for seeing or not, the concubine will decide in the end.

"Master Xiang, please wait a moment, the little one will come as soon as he goes."

"It's work!"

The guard brought Prime Minister Zhang's greeting card to Gu Youyou. Gu Youyou smiled coldly after reading the post, and said in a low voice, "I can't hold back anymore, but I'm still here."

The guard asked in embarrassment: "Will the concubine see you?" After finishing speaking, he boldly said: "I think it's better not to see the concubine, then Gu Wu is not easy to provoke, and Prime Minister Zhang is even more troublesome." , and now our prince is not at home..."

"No!" Gu Youyou interrupted: "See, why isn't this here? Tell them to come in!"

The guards couldn't disobey Gu Youyou's order, so they could only go out and invite Prime Minister Zhang and Gu Wu in.

After hearing this, Xiang Toon turned around anxiously, as if he was facing a big enemy.

She knows the latest rumors better than anyone else, and she even found someone to inquire about, and spent her subsidy money to sell some people to help Gu Youyou talk.

But in the palace, she didn't have anyone to discuss with, so she had no choice but to go to Circe.

The last person she wants to talk to in this mansion is Circe, but there is no way, the only person who can discuss this matter now is Circe.

(End of this chapter)

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