Chapter 1744 Is it him?

Jin Luoying burst into tears in an instant. If her elder brother was really him, he has suffered so much...

Zhu Yiping hurriedly said: "Princess, don't worry, let's take it back and ask slowly, it's not confirmed yet."

She was no longer in the mood to ask other people, so she just asked the shopkeeper to take this person away, and the rest of the people were asked by other staff in the store.

Jian Shiqing's eyes widened, and he looked at Jin Luoying who was so excited. After a moment, he regained his composure. He shook his head helplessly and let out a sneer.

At night, the homeless man was brought out after being washed and changed into decent clothes.Jin Luoying stood up excitedly and looked at him.

The homeless man after washing has fair skin and a handsome appearance.

Upon closer inspection, the evasive and frightened eyes really looked a bit like his father.

Looking closely, even his appearance is somewhat similar, but the long-term homelessness and lack of food make him look very thin.

Jin Luoying remembered that her mother once said that men from the Jin family had special eyes, typical star pupils.

In fact, people with star eyes are not limited to men from the Jin family, such as Zhu Yiping, she thinks they also have those star eyes.

But this tramp, his experience, his eyes, and his appearance are so coincidental, which made her suspect that this person is really her brother.

"Do you have another name?" Jin Luoying didn't know what to say, and tried several times cautiously before asking such a sentence.

The homeless man glanced at Jin Luoying, lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Little beggar!"

He has been a beggar since he was a child, which is what all the homeless people around him call him.

Jin Luoying covered her mouth and didn't say another word.

Such a person, I don't know how he survived.

At this time, the shopkeeper came over with half a piece of dirty jade, and whispered to Jin Luoying, "Master, I found this in the clothes he took off. Although this jade is only half a piece, it is of high quality. look……"

Jin Luoying saw the half piece of jade pendant, her eyes widened with excitement, and she grabbed it.

She remembered that her mother had said that the emperor's grandfather loved her elder brother very much and named him Xu Yao because he wanted him to inherit the throne in the future, but her father was always unwilling.

And this piece of jade pendant engraved with dragon patterns was a gift from Grandpa Huang himself.

If there is still a trace of doubt when looking at this person, then the jade pendant with dragon patterns cannot be faked.

In this world, apart from the emperor, who would dare to give away such a thing?

This person is very likely to be the brother she has been looking for for a long time!
"Is this yours?" she asked the tramp excitedly.

The tramp looked up at the jade pendant, wanting to take it back, but he didn't dare to look at the room full of people.

He shrank his neck timidly and said: "This is just a piece of broken jade, don't take it away."

Jin Luoying was heartbroken and asked, "Why is it broken?"

The tramp said: "It used to be very beautiful, but someone would steal it. In order to keep it, I can only break it and make it dirty!"

His voice was as thin as a mosquito moaning, he wanted to take back the jade pendant, but he was afraid of everyone sitting there.

Jin Luoying took the jade pendant, took out a priceless handkerchief to wipe it clean, and returned it to him.

She opened her mouth, afraid of scaring him, she only whispered to him: "Maybe we can help you find your parents, relatives, come with me, are you willing to believe me?"

"Dear one?" The homeless man stared at Jin Luoying with wide eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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