Chapter 178 Being Tracked

Regarding the matter of the house, Qin Changlin said that if he wants to live comfortably and the price is fair, he needs a few more days to inquire carefully.Gu Youyou planned to stay in the town for a long time, so she didn't rush back for a few days, so she went back first.

It's just that the road doesn't seem to be very peaceful.

On a hot day, the people who came to the town were either very early or very late, and there was no one like her who came out against the sun.So even in broad daylight, there is no one on the road.

But Gu Youyou's ears are much sharper than ordinary people's. She has long heard noises in the nearby grass, as if someone has been following her.

She was a little scared in her heart, it would be difficult to be stared at by gangsters.This body can't beat or run, and it can't be slaughtered?
Recalling the extraordinary performance in the mountains before, she now felt dizzy and unbelievable. Later, she tried it, but it was obviously impossible. She was panting after running for a few steps. Later, she attributed it to being pissed off by Jin Zijin , to stimulate the potential of the body.

I don't know if she can still stimulate her body's potential once she meets a villain.

That thing followed Gu Youyou all the way, and he was about to reach Lianhua Village in front of him, but he was still neither far nor near, and followed without haste, which made Gu Youyou puzzled.

If there are really bad people following, what a great opportunity in the mountain col before. If you don’t go to the village or back to the store, robbing her will definitely make every day not work, and there will be people in the future. ?
Obviously, the one following her was not a villain!

Who would that be?

Stepping into Lianhua Village, Gu Youyou felt that the place was safe, so she stopped.

She turned around, looked into the grass where the voice came from, and said coldly: "Come out quickly, follow me all the way, this is the place!"

The noise in the grass stopped, as if something was about to crouch.

Gu Youyou frowned, staring at that place.

Such short grass will not hide people, is it an animal?
It was too far away, so she couldn't see it.

Gu Youyou boldly took a few steps forward, the grass moved again, this time she could see clearly that it was a white thing running back.

Sure enough, it was an animal. Judging by its size, it was a little guy.

Gu Youyou was overjoyed, she didn't know what kind of spiritual little guy followed her so far.

She squatted down, waved towards that place, and said with a low laugh: "Do you want to go home with me? If so, come here quickly, you will be home in a while!"

The little guy in the grass froze for a while, and there was no movement. After a while, a little furry head protruded from the grass, looking at Gu Youyou with big amber eyes.

It turned out to be it.

Gu Youyou was extremely surprised, it was the little wolf cub she had treated.

She thought the little thing would go back to the wolves after it left the ancient tomb, but she didn't want to see it here.

There were not many people around here on a hot day, but after all, it was a frequented place, and it was quite courageous to come here to follow her.

Gu Youyou waved at it again, and the little thing walked towards her hesitantly step by step.

The little wolf cub still had the cloth strap tied around his leg, but the bow was covered with all kinds of dirt, which was very ugly.

Gu Youyou gently stroked the top of its head, and then it was slowly soothed, and rubbed its head against Gu Youyou's palm affectionately.

Gu Youyou took a look and found that the injury on its leg had healed, so she took off the cloth strip for it, and said: "Why didn't you go home after you escaped, and came to me instead? Are you reluctant? Me, come and see me, huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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