Chapter 1781 must find

Only then did he come to his senses, and seeing everyone looking at him, he realized that now was not the time to run away, and he couldn't run away either.

These people must be appeased first.


Circe seemed to have a result. She took off her gloves and said, "Luoying, okay, don't force him anymore, he just can't accept it for a while."

Zhu Yiping lowered his head, no one dared to look at it.

Circe glanced at Fu Jian's face and said, "This is undoubtedly the face of the real Zhu Haisheng. You should take a look at the poison first. It has the same ingredients as the poison that killed Eunuch Wan that year, so he is undoubtedly Fu Jian."

She looked at Lu Yu and Yi Yan and said, "You need someone to tie the bell to untie it. Didn't you say that you still have an uncle? According to his age, he can't be Fu Jian. If my guess is correct." , Fu Jian is his apprentice, we have no way to open this mask, maybe your uncle will?"

Circe winked at Lu Yu and Yi Yan confidently, and said, "I believe you will find him, right?"

Lu Yu and Yi Yan couldn't help crying, Yi Yan said: "Master, he is just like my master back then, he is ecstatic, and with his superb disguise technique, even if he stands in front of you, you don't know him." , it's too hard to find."

"That's right!" Lu Yu said, "Even if we can find it, wait for a few years, oh no, a few months, Fu Jian's body has already rotted away, and it's useless to find it!"

"You don't need to worry about it!" Circe said, "Where does the princess have a potion, and the corpse will not rot after putting it in it, enough time for you to find someone."

Jin Zijin, who was silent, spoke out at this moment.

"I'll look for it, and I will definitely find him back!" He glanced at Zhu Yiping calmly.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but Jin Luoying was full of sadness.

Lu Yu sighed: "What sin did the prince do in this life? He has been looking for people non-stop. After looking for this and that, he never stopped. In fact, the prince doesn't have to work so hard, as long as we know he is Fu Jian." Now, as for the public opinion of the people, they should be suppressed directly by force. They have lived for decades, why think so much? They don’t even care about living people, so why bother with their body matters. How the prince’s biography will be written in the future will depend on It's a matter for posterity."

He, Jin Zijin, can disregard criticism from the world, but...

He glanced at Zhu Yiping calmly again!

However, Jin Zijin had already made a decision, he said: "That's the decision, Lu Yu and Yi Yan will go with me to find your uncle, Circe, you go to Yoyo to get the potion, and take Fu Jian's body Save it."

He looked at Zhu Yiping, then at Jin Luoying and said, "Luoying, take good care of your brother!"

Everyone in the room was extremely surprised, but Jin Zijin had already strode out the door.

Lu Yu came back to his senses, looked at Zhu Yiping and said, "Why does the lord think he is a little lord? If the skin on Fu Jian's face is really Zhu Haisheng's, then his father and son look quite alike!"

"Oh, let's go, do what the prince says!" Yi Yan pushed Lu Yu and quickly followed Jin Zijin.

Zhu Yiping had a sad face, everything that happened today made him unacceptable.

Jin Luoying looked at his injured hand, and hurriedly turned to Circe, who was curious about the mask of the corpse, who was holding a scalpel and trying to cut it off, and said, "Oh, don't worry about the corpse, come and see... his hand The wound on the body is scalded by the heat emitted by Chi Xiao, I am afraid it will not be cured!"


(End of this chapter)

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