Chapter 1794 Is this the master?
Later, I saw that he had good qualifications, so I accepted him as a disciple.After he learned how to disguise himself, he became less attached to his ruined appearance, because his appearance was ruined, so I allowed him to choose whether to be the real face or the fake one.

When he was Fu Jian, he sometimes wore a mask, and sometimes showed his disfigured face. After he became Zhu Haisheng, Fu Jian put on himself the face of Zhu Haisheng. I always knew his revenge plan! "

Jia Ren looked at Jin Xuyao, spread his hands, and said, "I'm from the world, and the grievances and grievances of the court have nothing to do with me. Don't stare at me like that. You are also my apprentice. If you ask me to help, I will help too."

Jin Xuyao ​​glared at him, gritted his teeth and said, "So you accepted me as a disciple after listening to him? Why did you entrap me like this?"

"Of course not!" Jia Ren said, "I took you as an apprentice because I saw that you and I were destined to be mentors and apprentices. I am old, and there is a rule in my teacher's school that I must accept two craftsmen in my life. I come alone. I got used to being alone, and I took Fu Jian as an apprentice in the early years, and never had the opportunity to take another apprentice.

When I saw you, I thought it was an opportunity. My second apprentice came, so I accepted you as an apprentice. "

"Then you still hurt me?"

Jia Ren sighed, and said: "This matter has to start with Fu Jian, he is actually not very good at learning. After making a mask for you for the first time, he did it wrong the second time. It is very unnatural and makes people feel uncomfortable. It looked fake. Later, he found me for help.

It's okay to help, but I have a condition.I also told you just now that the first time I saw you, I felt that we have the fate of master and apprentice. My condition is that you must also be my disciple. The rule passed down by the master is that each person must accept two disciples. Understand ? "

Oh, understand?

In fact, he is used to make up the number, because this weird person is usually like a migrating bird, living alone in the mountains and forests with his only son.

But everyone always thought that he had a different face and was hiding in the crowd.

"At that time, you were still young and would grow up. Every other year, I had to put on a new face for you, otherwise people would see it. However, changing your appearance by changing your face is the same as growing up naturally. Your appearance is somewhat different, in order not to be seen by others, Fu Jian didn't let you have too much contact with others, and it was for this reason that he didn't let you leave the villa, all because he was afraid of being seen by others."

Jin Xuyao's face was pale. He was touched for many years, and he always thought it was because he escaped from the villa for fun and was caught by the bad guys, and his father was so scared that he fell ill for a long time.

He didn't let him leave the villa because he was worried that his only son would come out.

He thought it was a morbid love for his only relative, but it turned out that it was just a trap.

That's right, he is fake, and his own face is also fake, so where does the truth come from?
Jin Xuyao ​​gave a wry smile, nodded with a bit of despair and said, "That's how you are, to plot against me together?"

Jia Renxu knew that he was wronged and did not argue.

Jin Xuyao ​​asked again: "You didn't teach me how to take off this face, is it also because of Fu Jian?"

Jia Ren nodded lightly and said: "Yes, I promised him to keep this secret from him. But I only give him 20 years. If he can't do what he wants to do within 20 years, I will teach you. No way. Let these crafts be lost?"

Ha ha……

What else can he say?
(End of this chapter)

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