Chapter 210

"Stop!" You don't need to guess to know what old Huang's plan is, Gu Youyou said: "Then Jishengtang belongs to Qin Changlin, so don't make random decisions."

"Hey, no, they are all apprentices of Dr. Zhou. Of course, Jishengtang is divided equally between you and Qin Changlin. How can it be said that it belongs to him? You also have half, silly girl!" With the appearance of steel, he taught with a heartbroken heart: "You can't be stupid, Doctor Zhou has no children, and the huge amount of money that Jishengtang earns every year is owned by your two apprentices, you can't..."

Gu Youyou rolled her eyes, and interrupted the old Huang's words again: "Ordinary people know the saying of passing on sons and not passing on daughters, so Master naturally means the same thing. Jishengtang belongs to Qin Changlin, this is what Master said before he died, you What else do you want?"

She spoke loudly and in a bad tone, which attracted the guests.

"Ms. Gu, are you chatting with your eldest granddaughter?"

Old Huang's face blushed, and he smiled awkwardly at the speaker: "Yes, isn't this a rare time for Yoyo to come back?"

"Hey, then you guys chat slowly, I'll go in first!"

Youyou walked sideways around Old Huang and walked into the crowd.

This superb grandma, who is so tempted by Jishengtang, doesn't know what to say.

Taking advantage of the crowd today, she was determined not to let her pull it out.

"Hey, wait, I haven't finished yet..."

Gu Youyou had already slipped into the yard, and there were a lot of people sitting in the yard, so she was embarrassed to talk about it, and could only curse a dead girl in anger.

When the auspicious time came, Gu Dabao led a girl in a red cloth hijab to go to worship, and she stood watching from a distance.This is the first time she has seen the ancient worship hall, recalling that when she married Jin Zijin last year, she didn't visit the hall because of her health?The ancients said that paying homage is considered a ceremony, she wondered, are they really husband and wife?
He raised his head to look at Jin Zijin, he was still the same, tall and big, with a stubble on his face, his face was full of traces of wind and frost, he looked like a strong hunter.

But in his bones, he is not like this.

"What are you thinking?" Jin Zijin said suddenly, and Gu Youyou was startled.

She smiled lightly and said, "I'm thinking... If you don't pay homage, are you still a couple?"

Jin Zijin said calmly, "Of course."


"Because your household registration is with me, if you leave me, you are a refugee. Do you know what happens to refugees when they are arrested?"

Gu Youyou was stunned on the spot, and after a long time, three words popped up in his mind...Your uncle!

With a smile on the corners of Jin Zijin's lips, with a calm look, he lowered his voice and said: "Men are exiled to the army, those who have no military status, and women are also exiled to the army, military prostitutes!"

Gu Youyou finally couldn't help blurting out those few words, "Jin Zijin, your uncle!"

The evil feudal society, the evil household registration system, the evil three obediences and four virtues.

In this day and age, a woman is her father's private property before she gets married, and her husband's property after she gets married, so her household registration is in the hands of Jin Zijin.

She had never thought about this problem before, but now that she thinks about it, it is really a big problem.

Perhaps her voice was too loud, and it came into Gu Feng's ears, and he asked doubtfully, "Yuyou, Zijin's uncle?"

Gu Youyou smiled and said, "Well, Zijin will take me home to see his uncle next time."

Gu Feng nodded, seeing that the auspicious time had arrived, he quickly greeted Gu Dabao and said, "Let's get started!"

The trumpet stopped, Zhang Matchmaker raised her voice, and formally paid homage.

(End of this chapter)

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