Chapter 219
He smiled and took the big cloth bag from Jin Zijin's hand, which contained the prey he hunted today.

Qin Changlin looked at Gu Youyou in surprise, and asked, "Is this also your relative?"

"Ex-husband!" Gu Youyou said angrily.

Jin Zijin had a pair of little rabbits in his lower garments. They had gray and white fur, they were really small, and they were about as big as Jin Zijin's fist.

After he gave the things to Yue Rujing, he went straight to Gu Youyou, grabbed one in each hand, and said: "Today, I brought a rabbit nest. I think the pair of rabbits are really small. They don't have much meat, so I didn't kill them." Do you think you should raise them and eat them, or sell them alive?"

Such a small guy also eats it, Gu Youyou said angrily: "Naturally, I will raise it first." She took the two rabbits, and then instructed Yue Rujing, who was counting the prey, to make a nest for the rabbits. feel.

Seeing this, Qin Changlin was taken aback for a while.

Is this her ex-husband?Why does it seem that the relationship is not bad?At least it didn't break.

Jin Zijin washed his hands, and smiled at Qin Changlin: "You are the doctors of Jishengtang, right? I heard Youyou mention it."

"Um, huh...?"

"It's the first time for you to see me. I'm Yoyo's husband, and I used to live in Lianhua Village. Women sing and husbands follow. After Yoyo came to town, I followed."

Women sing and husbands follow?

"Ah, today's harvest is good, why don't you stay for dinner!"

Qin Changlin shook his head like a rattle drum, and said: "No, no, there is no shortage of people in Jishengtang, we have to go back, and come to bother another day when we have time."

Gu Youyou is too complicated, and the people around her are also complicated, I can't understand, I can't understand! !

"Two rabbits, a roe deer, an unknown species of bird, and a pretty big pheasant." Gu Youyou murmured softly as he counted the prey.

After reading it, he turned his head and said to Jin Zijin: "There are so many, the three of us can't finish it, why don't we sell some, because the weather can't let it go."

But Jin Zijin said: "I won't sell it anymore, if you can't eat it, you can marinate it with salt and keep it longer."

"Oh, whatever!"


After dinner, Yue Rujing suddenly asked Jin Zijin to eat by the small river, and left a pile of bowls and chopsticks to Gu Youyou.

Make her angry.

Can two big men sneak by the river under the moon to eat together?Isn't it just to find a reason to avoid her, the thief is either rape or steal, as if no one knows.

"A Bao, you also ate a lot tonight, go, go eat with them."

"Hey! How can we take the dog out, it's a dog walk."

Jin Zijin patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go together, Ah Bao really needs a quick meal."

Since Jin Zijin had spoken, Yue Rujing could only nod reluctantly.

The Qingshui River was empty, and Gu Youyou wanted to follow her to eavesdrop, but she didn't have Jin Ziyuan's ability to be silent, so she was discovered by them as soon as she arrived at the river.

Fortunately, she was carrying a bucket, and the excuse was that she was here to fetch water.

Under the willow tree on the other side of the river, Jin Zijin said loudly: "Yuyou, where do you put the bucket, I will bring the water back later."

Right on my mind.

Gu Youyou dropped the barrel and went back.

Seeing Gu Youyou walking away, Yue Rujing continued: "The news of Doctor Zhou's death has been leaked out, they did it, killed Doctor Zhou, and then lured Xuanzong's people here, want to kill two birds with one sword The people of Xuanzong thought we did it, so someone will come over soon. Brother, what are your plans?"

(End of this chapter)

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